Where do the Members of SDF stand on the issue of the War in the Ukraine?

Where do you stand on the War in the Ukraine

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Registered Member
At the end of the day for me, his conflict In Ukraine is the culmination of all the activities of the west in that nation in order to expand nato to the borders of Russia so that they could threaten Russia directly with nukes like they did in multiple other conflicts in the Middle East as the last 2 decades has shown. Russia made things clear to the west of what their red lines are but the west isn’t willing to negotiate in good faith. I don’t like war but I despise this two faced situation where the west, in particular the USA cannot do any wrong while Russia is basically the devil. In the end, we can only leave this one to God to sort out because no one is willing to make concessions and from what I can easily see, Biden is basically making this war is end of his life work and doesn’t care about the consequences at all, although I don’t know if he can comprehend this one. Hence there is no alternative in the situation. I will say that if the west doesn’t stop themselves (leaders I mean) from pushing this conflict to the nuclear stage, well who is going to win in the end. I do believe that this crisis may end sooner or later but ultimately, this kind of hate directed at Russia, will only breed a hatred from Russia towards the west that the west has never seen before and given that Russia has even until now has yet to bring out their real guns (I mean they are using a small fraction of their army to face Ukraine for example), the day may come where Russia will have little restraint when they finally decide to disintegrate their enemies for real without mercy. If the west cannot stop this love for invasions and conquest in the name of this hegemony, I fear for this world and I do believe very sincerely that the west isn’t going to get away with their actions this time around.

please note that I don’t like the idea of war and total destruction, but the reason why I support Russia in this conflict is simply because I feel that Russia has been repeatedly back into a corner and that the war hawks in the USA are repeatedly driving the banners of war so that their vision of a Russia completely destroyed can be made manifest. Hence anyone that finally wake these evil people up and realise that the days of getting away with their actions like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria are now coming to an end and in a truly just world, all these war hawks should be tried and executed for crimes against humanity. I don’t think anyone in this forum would argue against justice for the war hawks and neo cons, unless they are simply virtue signaling and are secret worship that actions of Nazis and Nazis no matter the nationality will always be evil
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Threads like these remind me just what a brilliant and timeless thinker Sun Tzu was.

My favourite quote:

If you feel the urge to repeatedly share your opinions on politics anonymously online, you should first share them with your psychotherapist in person, in his office. You will find it a much more productive strategy regardless of your position and strength.

This is also good:

If you expend your troops in battle as you expend your opinion on the internet you will find yourself without troops before your enemy makes a single move.

This is just pure gold:

Keep your mouth shut. You will let the enemy know your position and how stupid you really are.

And how about this piece of genius:

Just because you type on your keyboard doesn't mean you don't waste precious air. Computers need cooling to work and you need air for marches and battles.

He was also a pioneer of physical training:

IRL work makes your troops' body stronger and their spirit resilient. Arguing online makes your ass fat and your brain empty.

If only more people took Sun Tzu's wisdom to heart SDF would be a much better place for it.

I'm off to the park for a run. I need to get down to business because of Huns and stuff but when I'm back I'm going to be as tranquil as a damn forest!

And you better be too.


Registered Member
This needs to be a ranked voting poll, I can't have just one option. "Ayy lmao" is nice (I'll always support dank memes) but I'm still "rootin' for Putin!"

Bill Blazo

Junior Member
Registered Member
Blazo is on Team Ukraine. Russia agreed in the Budapest Memorandum to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons, then it reneged on that commitment after the 2014 coup. It's now clear that Russia's word in the 1990s was very much contingent on Ukraine remaining a docile stooge, a puppet regime within Russia's sphere of influence. Once that prospect collapsed in 2014, Russia went for a naked power grab that it's continuing to this very day. Now, I also firmly oppose continued NATO expansion and I understand why Russia is upset over its deteriorating strategic position since the fall of the Soviet Union. It once controlled all of Eastern Europe and now it's having a hard time just getting to the Dnieper. But I want to point out that the United States, for all of its crazy imperialism in Latin America over the 20th century, has still lost control and influence over many countries in the region, and it's no longer invading them. Countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and even Chile are no longer in America's sphere of influence, yet America's not sending in the Marines like it would've done 50 years ago. Sometimes it's just best to move on. Look at Austria today; it’s a great friendly country, you would never know it was once a huge empire with an axe to grind. Move on Russia, you should've either gone for a small limited strike in the east or just reinforced what you already had in Crimea and the Donbas without launching a full-blown war. Instead Putin went for it all and is now suffering the consequences of a failing war effort that has caused unimaginable levels of destruction.


Lieutenant General
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Thanks for dragging me into this. :)

I am all for no politics but even when war is discussed from military point of view, politics tend to make their way into the discussion. At that point, it should be up to the senior and mature members in the discussion to steer the thread towards the right direction. Of course, moderators are here for making sure, at at high level, rules are not violated (no insults, no derogatory remarks, etc.). I am not for micromanaging threads/topics. It just consume too much of time and frankly, with hundreds of messages a day, it is tough to weed out who said what.

Thanks, but indeed, I want a clear answer - maybe first in our PM chat … could you please reply there too?


Junior Member
Registered Member
Blazo is on Team Ukraine. Russia agreed in the Budapest Memorandum to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons, then it reneged on that commitment after the 2014 coup. It's now clear that Russia's word in the 1990s was very much contingent on Ukraine remaining a docile stooge, a puppet regime within Russia's sphere of influence. Once that prospect collapsed in 2014, Russia went for a naked power grab that it's continuing to this very day. Now, I also firmly oppose continued NATO expansion and I understand why Russia is upset over its deteriorating strategic position since the fall of the Soviet Union. It once controlled all of Eastern Europe and now it's having a hard time just getting to the Dnieper. But I want to point out that the United States, for all of its crazy imperialism in Latin America over the 20th century, has still lost control and influence over many countries in the region, and it's no longer invading them. Countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and even Chile are no longer in America's sphere of influence, yet America's not sending in the Marines like it would've done 50 years ago. Sometimes it's just best to move on. Look at Austria today; it’s a great friendly country, you would never know it was once a huge empire with an axe to grind. Move on Russia, you should've either gone for a small limited strike in the east or just reinforced what you already had in Crimea and the Donbas without launching a full-blown war. Instead Putin went for it all and is now suffering the consequences of a failing war effort that has caused unimaginable levels of destruction.
What if...say Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, or Chile joined or postured to join a China-led military alliance? Or asked China to build a base on their soil and station troops? Would US still "move on" and do nothing? We have seen how US reacted when Solomon Islands made independent decisions with China, and it is one of the most geographically isolated countries on Earth!