At the end of the day for me, his conflict In Ukraine is the culmination of all the activities of the west in that nation in order to expand nato to the borders of Russia so that they could threaten Russia directly with nukes like they did in multiple other conflicts in the Middle East as the last 2 decades has shown. Russia made things clear to the west of what their red lines are but the west isn’t willing to negotiate in good faith. I don’t like war but I despise this two faced situation where the west, in particular the USA cannot do any wrong while Russia is basically the devil. In the end, we can only leave this one to God to sort out because no one is willing to make concessions and from what I can easily see, Biden is basically making this war is end of his life work and doesn’t care about the consequences at all, although I don’t know if he can comprehend this one. Hence there is no alternative in the situation. I will say that if the west doesn’t stop themselves (leaders I mean) from pushing this conflict to the nuclear stage, well who is going to win in the end. I do believe that this crisis may end sooner or later but ultimately, this kind of hate directed at Russia, will only breed a hatred from Russia towards the west that the west has never seen before and given that Russia has even until now has yet to bring out their real guns (I mean they are using a small fraction of their army to face Ukraine for example), the day may come where Russia will have little restraint when they finally decide to disintegrate their enemies for real without mercy. If the west cannot stop this love for invasions and conquest in the name of this hegemony, I fear for this world and I do believe very sincerely that the west isn’t going to get away with their actions this time around.
please note that I don’t like the idea of war and total destruction, but the reason why I support Russia in this conflict is simply because I feel that Russia has been repeatedly back into a corner and that the war hawks in the USA are repeatedly driving the banners of war so that their vision of a Russia completely destroyed can be made manifest. Hence anyone that finally wake these evil people up and realise that the days of getting away with their actions like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria are now coming to an end and in a truly just world, all these war hawks should be tried and executed for crimes against humanity. I don’t think anyone in this forum would argue against justice for the war hawks and neo cons, unless they are simply virtue signaling and are secret worship that actions of Nazis and Nazis no matter the nationality will always be evil