Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China
Have you notced how the media always tells us that western miltary technology is stae of the art and supoerior to everyone elses? Since you are saying that there is a media bias, how do we know that's true in all cases? We know that troops in Iraq are porrly equipped in some cases. And you have you also noticed how we always comment on Chinese or Russian technology as being junk? Well, you'll find that the other side sees it opposite. I went to Russia recently, school trip. We were at the Cosmonaut museum, and one of the guys commented on how U.S. space technology is ahead of Russian technology. Then museum guide notced. She gave him a stern look and a burst of Russian. Our english-speaking guide translated it as "actually, Russian technology is 20 to 30 years ahead of American technology." Thats what the Soviet media had been tellign her, and thats probably what CCTV says about Chinese technology. How do we know our media isn't saying the sme thing? It could be telling us our politics and technology are better than it actually is. For all we know, the truth could be that the U.S. is justa s bad as China or Russia in trerms of technology or Politics.