Re: BBC (Western Media) bias against China
It hink one quote sums it up quite well.
"Those who arent with us, are against us."
Alot of these news stations are still 'recovering' from the Cold War as well as 9/11. Thanks to the Bush administrations 'War On Terror', we now see any 'rouge' state (in otherwords, independent from NATO) as someone to fear and hate.
And being an american, I notice that the popular media and the popular ideas are that states such as China, India and Iran are backwards witchdoctor savages. Most americans would probably be shocked to learn that China has a working space-program, as well as a rapidly modernizing military.
This isint to say that we should not be wary of these states, but to assume the agression would be solely on the shoulders of the united states is a bit baias in of it's self. Whilst alot of the fear is in fact bias, some states such as the DPRK, which is under the rule of a dictator, gratuate of Stalanist-Communisim 101 out of Despot Ruler-U is very worrisome.
Of course, to say that it is inevetable that we or they will start a conflict is a bit silly. It dosent guarntee this much. China, however is nothing like the DPRK, and despite a few old men still wrapped up in the Cold War, from what I have seen China would rather be left alone by the western world.
And as far as FOX News, it's made by the same people who promote "When Animals Attack" and "The OC." I hate to start a political debate here, but FOX news is one of the most Baias news stations on the popular channels, Uber-Conservative Bush Worshipers. Please dont start a whole debate on this, I would hate to drag us all into an off-topic quagmire.
People remember Tinnamen Square, and beleve that it is still like that. However, that was only one incident. And every country has had a situation where deadly force was used on peaceful protesters. There is at least thre instances where Riot Police in America shot and killed protestors who were unarmed. Remember that Texas Universty where the protesters were all shot? The only thing about Tinnamen Square was that, while a horrible event and a loss of life unequaled in such matters, is part of a China that no longer exists. But because of the Cold War Ideologies of news networks, many people refuse to let go.
Every time I talk about how China has improved, people still fall back to Tinnamen Square. It really is unfortunate, but that is how the american people think.
Forgive me, it's hard to term when your a bit rushed. I might revise my statement a bit later.