As I have said before, your scenario is wholly unrealistic and would, if attempted, place tens of thousands or more of PRC troops in mortal peril. You propose a wholly unopposed landing, thinking that somehow, majically, the PLAN ships will get to the ROC shores unopposed and land within a few hours more troops than the whole of the PLAN amphibious navy could handle.They don't want to give up on democracy, but they have no desire to see a war in their home. Further some are unable to come to terms with the rapid success as word comes in that ROCA defenders, a brigade of about 5,000, trying to stop the landing Chinese forces have been removed after marines and paratroopers, with support from naval guns and aircraft, were pushed back. The poor defenses were a result of the belief that Chinese troops would be unable to land on that particular shore in any large numbers. This has taken place in the first three hours.
In another region an entire ROCA division surrendered to PLA force advancing on Tainan in central Taiwan and then joined with them, moving to secure the rear to allow PLA forces to push forward to surround the city. In the first twelve hours the PLA was able to almost completely ground the ROCAF
Aftr 12 hours China's forces have grown to tens of thousands. Some 40,000 have been deployed to the main landing point in central Taiwan bolstered by 10,000 ROCA forces who defected to the PLA upon surrender.
The ROC knows what the PLAN and PLA are going to attempt. They have had years to prepare for it. Their equipment is decent, and for the most part modern. Their plans will be inacted and they will have some measure of success.
Your plan depends on the ROC armed forces being so deficient and so inept as to be laughable...and criminally delinquent. They are not. I have known MANY people who have served in the ROC armed forces. Their moral and their attitude is light years away from what you describe. The very idea that in the first 12 hours 10,000 and another entire division of ROC troops would surrender and defect and then take up arms against their own is so preposterous as to be rediculous.
Anyhow, as I have said, we have discussed this ad nauseum. We have an absolute basic disagreement on the facts, the moral, and the capabilities...on both sides. Normally I would have stopped with my last post...but given what you have said here, I felt obligated to reply for the sake of the countering opinion and the many people, particularly young people, who might read this and for an instant think anything like it is possible.
The PLA will face a very serious challenge in attacking the ROC and trying to invade it. The advantage is with the defender, and the ROC has had years to prepare and they will be prepared in ways that you cannot imagine, and that the PLA will take into account and be much, much more respectful and cautious than what you propose. They do not want the straits filled with dead or drowning PLA soldiers. What you propose could very easily, and perhaps would most likely, lead to that very thing.
The logistics of making happen what you propose is HUGE. The movement of men, material, ships, equipemnt, and all of the implements of war to staging areas for such an attack and invasion would be noticed and reported early people on the ground in the PRC and by satellite. The ROC would be prepared and in such a scanrio, for it to occur as rapidly as you propose, the preparation would allow the US to already be on its toes and in a position to counter it with aircraft, submarines, and carriers.
I am not saying the PRC cannot prevail...but they will certainly not prevail in a scenario like this. The could well be slaughtered. No, they will be more patient and go about this in such a way as to minimize telegraphing their intentions and putting their foce at such is probably years away. And it will require a LOT more buildup and slow preparation on the PRCs part...and even then it will not be a sure thing and they know it.
I am sorry...but that is the hard cold reality.
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