Lieutenant General
Pretty much this is what's the situation so far:
The actual status quo is unchanged, China still has their island bases, the US still doing what they've been doing all this time.
The biggest casualty is Chinese pride, I reckon - consider all the tones seen on all newswires and various forums in and out of China, the fact that USN do pretty much as they pleased left Chinese took a thousand stabs on their pride...and the stabbings set to go round 2 when the USN going to take the Japanese navy along for the ride.
If that's the case than how come China's island are still being constructed? Also what if new China's island building continues in a new location? As a result all that FON posturing did not do anything to stop it. Therefore this end's up as a major lost of face since that's the purpose of military flexing and posturing in the first place.