I'm consistent in believing FON operations in EEZs isn't settled legally, and that China may be right on the issue. However, there's the status quo, and it's established norm those that want to overturn the status quo must show cause (China relentlessly point to status quo disturbance against Japan and Philippines). In this day and age, where do most nations go to get due process? The International Court of Justice in The Hague.Who knows, but the nature of international laws means if China seriously wants to change it, it would have to wait a few decades until it has far more influence.
It's good that we can agree that the EEZ issue is not settled.
Now we come to great powers, and all bets are off. I appreciate Beijing's efforts to be vague and stall until they are so big, so powerful no one can challenge them without harming their important national interests. I get it; it's what great powers do. God help us.