Well, it's been some time, but I have just come across an article reviewing the issues with this ship and comparing the ideas what that program actually is to the navy.
With keel laying of the first ship in Nov (to join the fleet in 2014), and contracts for two more ships awarded in Sept. the program is moving along.
The keel laying on Nov 17 was impressive as they rolled out that large section of the ship. Two other large sections are complete and being joined to that first one, and the deck house is well under construction.
She's coming together well for a launch in late 2012-early 2013.
Here are some new pictures from my
antiterror13 said:
Who are belligerent nations? China included?
Those nations who get into actual military confrontation with the United States are the belligerent nations. Will that include China? I hope not...I am not saying it is. It will depend on how both nations act and treat one another, particularly when their interests conflict.
Given the technologies being implemented here...and given where the US and China are, it could easily take 2 or more decades before China fields such a vessel. Fielding and beating are two different things. With the head start the US will have, and with the design for growth and modernization built into these vessels, which like carriers are being built with a 40-50 year life span envisioned, catching up to the Zumnwalt's technology will be like hitting a moving target.
But, as I say, time will tell. 50 years is a long time...and I surely will not be around to worry about it. If they catch up and surpass it in 25 years I may still be around at 81 years old at that time. LOL!
antiterror13 said:
Is it true the cost of this ship is US$6.6 B ... goooooosh only 25 countries have defence budget more than $6.6B, and no. 25 is Iran with only US$7B defense budget !
No. The Navy has negotiated a fixed cost contract for the three vessels. The first will be 3.5 billion, the second will be 2.5 billion, and the third close to 2 billion. The high cost is for developing all the cutting edge technologies and fielding them. Originally that was to be amoritized out over 30+ vessels and the cost would have come down significantly.
But when you do it over 3 vessels, it simply costs more and that is not the developer's or manufacturer's fault.
If the US built 12 of these, they could probably get the average cost of each down well below 2 billion, maybe to 1.75 or below.