US Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Junior Member
Registered Member
gee whiz Byron!, I hope your Texas neighbors don't see this stuff,, maybe you and Rapone could move to a country more suited to your idealogy!

Damn, you should have told Trump, he'd prolly have given you a ride to Canada, or heck, maybe taken you with him to meet Kim Jung Un??

He's no hero, he's no patriot, and now he's no soldier, he's been "booted out"! LOL
I know that might be the perception in America but not all of us Canadians are communists, at least the media down south exaggerates things quite a bit. Communists are very few in number, I would say certain parts of America has a higher concentration. We are just on average open minded people and try to look at things from multiple perspectives.

On the other hand I had seen some supporters of Che Guevara, especially in post secondary institutions that specialise in the arts. I have heard people proudly talking about their "Che Guevara" tour in Cuba, in which they pay tribute to him.

To me these people just want to fight for a cause or feel like they are fighting for a cause, even a ill fated cause, to attain meaning within their lives. They are also people who intrinsically like to go against the grain. Media will exaggerate their influence within society.

Most people still abide by market principles and follow the institutions of the current republic because it functions well for them.


Lieutenant General
As a serving member of the United States Military, he is not under the MCJ allowed to openly endorse political parties.
There is also concern that some groups have designed a manifesto specifically to subvert by placing members of there party in side institutions for the goal of recruiting and destabilizing. All indications are that this individual may have been in line with that.
Also if you know what Che Guevara did as a individual, he might as well have been wearing a T-shirt with Hitler's face Under his uniform.

@Equation, really? Plenty of Communist nations have engaged in foreign adventures and bloody wars of revolution and counter counter revolution.
I also point out that currently there are no longer any "true" communists states, the classics have all fallen. The USSR which conquered larger numbers of its neighbors imposing comunist governments, during the second world war collapsed under the system. The PRC has the communist party but the economic reforms would have Marx spinning in his grave.
North Korean has a veneer of communism but adhere to a absolute monarchy.
Cuba has been instituting small versions of the same economic programs as the PRC due to in ability to maintain the idealist utopia Marx envisioned.

He is still a human being and a citizen of the United States therefore allow to express his opinion whether it has a political affiliation is one to judge. At least he is not some military tool just blindly 'following orders' without thinking of the repercussion in the bigger picture. The MCJ is obsolete and stupid in the first place. It should be rid of because it violates in the Constitution already.

As for there are no longer any true communists countries than we safely say that there are no true democracy states as well. The US democracy had been bought off by the highest special interests groups and lobbyists that no matter what the end results of an election the people are not being served properly.

As for the record how many regime changes has Communist China engaged in lately? The bigger picture here is that time is changing and so is the world.


Lieutenant General
gee whiz Byron!, I hope your Texas neighbors don't see this stuff,, maybe you and Rapone could move to a country more suited to your idealogy!

Damn, you should have told Trump, he'd prolly have given you a ride to Canada, or heck, maybe taken you with him to meet Kim Jung Un??

He's no hero, he's no patriot, and now he's no soldier, he's been "booted out"! LOL

Spoken and thinking like a true religious conservative. In that case you are no different than ISIS. "Follow my way and god or else!"

I guess you prefer life in America to be like in that show "The Handmaids Tales". o_O

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Tyrant King
The UCMJ is a code of conduct. Those who join the US Military have to beheld to it due to there unique status. Yes there are restrictions placed on some rights but it hardly is a major violation of the constitution. For his actions in this case he was simply separated from the US military. Basically he was fired for violating company policy. There are plenty of situations like that in private industry.

Of course there is no democracy, they are Democratic Republics a true democracy is where everyone voted on everything. As to regime change.... well I can't say it. But I can name one you would of course say that was simply bringing that back into the PRC.


Tyrant King
How multidomain battle is transforming US Army exercises
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  2 days ago
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to better understand how the service and its partners will fight together in the future

But the need to fully assess the multidomain battle concept is also teaching the Army that it needs to transform how it conducts future exercises by integrating emerging concepts, capabilities and threats into today’s exercises.

The Army tested the multidomain operations concept as well as its new
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in Germany through the JWA and
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the Air Force’s Blue Flag exercise and Combined Resolve X in late April and early May. The Army’s effort included 161 contributing organizations and more than 25 different countries.

The exercise didn’t just address readiness, but took a hard look at how the future force will be postured to fight, and that meant applying a concept to the exercise called operational experimentation.

Operational experimentation will likely become a crux of many future exercises, Brig. Gen. Joel Tyler, the head of the Army’s Joint Modernization Command, told Defense News at the JWA in Germany in early May.

Gone are the days of keeping
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to assess emerging programs of record as the Army did at its
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And it’s possible the Army will
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from capability assessments that are conducted in a vacuum via small exercises.

With the JWA, the Army
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took an exercise meant for experimentation - normally held in a controlled training site stateside - and brought it to a complex, operationally relevant environment. And since the U.S. will never fight alone, it made the assessment both joint and multinational.

“You get some young hooah soldiers out there that are well-trained in their battle drills and tasks and you give them a concept and capability that enhances their state of training, I think that helps everybody,” Tyler said, adding that those soldiers provide invaluable input when experimenting with new or improved capabilities.

“I think there is enormous benefit both to the development communities, the requirements communities, the concept communities and the training communities on using operational units, aligning operational units with modernization opportunities,” he said.

The JWA will measure the effectiveness of aligning training with modernization, but for Tyler, the concept holds promise and teaches units how to be creative and innovative on the battlefield.

In the first JWA, the Army assessed 16 capabilities, mostly at Hohenfels and Grafenwoehr training sites, from water purification capabilities to the V-Bat UAV to defensive cyber operations.

The Army’s
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was present, as were a few
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that the service is attempting to refine through rigorous unit tests in Europe.

The Army also assessed 11 concepts, from a
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to a mounted maneuver involving an infantry brigade combat team that included concepts for the
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, the
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and the
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capability - all in development or being assessed by the Army.

The concept of a multinational network was also assessed at the exercise. The concept is expected to lead to more cohesive multinational commands.
And the division assigned to lead the exercise – the 1st Infantry Division – took a hard look at the integration of an air-defense artillery battalion into a division, according to Tyler.

The emerging capabilities assessed at the JWA come against a backdrop of a future multidomain battle concept that takes into account big-picture operational evaluations, such as how a division should be organized, the defining of mission command requirements or how to achieve better interoperability with joint partners in terms of networks, logistics and sustainment, according to Col. Jim Van Atta, the chief of training and evaluation at the U.S. Army’s Joint Modernization Command.

For Europe, Tyler envisions the JWA expanding to include allies and partners who bring their own concepts and capabilities for assessment, which could in turn bring about more innovation across a multinational force.

JWA is a unique exercise that is a “harbinger for the future,” Tyler said, “because, again, we try to design it with three objectives in mind: training, interoperability and the future force. And being able to influence and inform every one of those is really key to the success of this.”
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The F-15 Eagle aircraft crashed at about 6.40am on Monday local time, about 80km south of Naha city in the island's south.


The plane was from the US Air Force's Kadena Base, which said on Twitter that its pilot successfully ejected and was safely recovered by search and rescue teams.

Reports say the pilot suffered a broken leg and was taken by helicopter to a nearby US naval hospital.

The air base said the man's condition was "unknown" but thanked Japan's Self-Defense Force search and rescue team, saying: "Your quick response proves once again how valuable an asset you are to the US/Japanese alliance."

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Lieutenant General
The UCMJ is a code of conduct. Those who join the US Military have to beheld to it due to there unique status. Yes there are restrictions placed on some rights but it hardly is a major violation of the constitution. For his actions in this case he was simply separated from the US military. Basically he was fired for violating company policy. There are plenty of situations like that in private industry.

Of course there is no democracy, they are Democratic Republics a true democracy is where everyone voted on everything. As to regime change.... well I can't say it. But I can name one you would of course say that was simply bringing that back into the PRC.

Military personal express their political view all the time in the military between themselves and to others. What is so "unique" about keeping that UCMJ status? It's all just fear control so that soldiers would be easier to control. We call them "tools".

There is a difference between a regime change and a civil war. If you are talking about the island of Taiwan than you are talking about not a regime change at all but rather keeping a de facto undeserved government as one's puppet all just to contain another nation from their sovereign rights. It's like China supporting some Confederate territory regime government just to contain the USA without getting their hands too dirty.


Tyrant King
Equation, the oath of enlistment for the United States Military. To Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic.

His belief system considers the US constitution and government invalid and the Constitution to be insolvent.
He also has the potential to be used as a spy for ideological reasons. As such he was separated. Much like a protaiwan activist would be from the PLA.
And for the record no not Taiwan


Lieutenant General
Equation, the oath of enlistment for the United States Military. To Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic.

His belief system considers the US constitution and government invalid and the Constitution to be insolvent.
He also has the potential to be used as a spy for ideological reasons. As such he was separated. Much like a protaiwan activist would be from the PLA.
And for the record no not Taiwan

He's is obligated to the protection of the people and constitution first, just like any soldier out there.
"He also has the potential to be used as a spy for ideological reasons." Having that potential is NOT an excuse to implement a fear mongering system to keep soldiers in line through fear of their corrupt commanders corrupt orders. If that's the case than they need to advertise it thoroughly in the first place. Let all recruiters know what they are REALLY getting into before signing up. A pro tawain activist wouldn't last long in the PLA anyway.

What Rappone did is to stand up and take a knee to an already corrupt government that needs to change their way of governing through the use of the military. He doesn't want tools to blindly follow orders for the sake of regime changing. That is NOT defending the country.