US Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Words carry meaning. Either they stand for something or they mean nothing. So when we talk about the meaning of "peace through strength" it conveys certain things. Strength is not an inert abstract thought but is an attribute that when exercised projects a maximally effect. Unwillingness or inability to conduct itself when required projects weakness rather than strength. Herein lies the difference between Reagan and Obama. In Obama's worldview, the end justifies the mean. The end result is "red line" and "innocent passage" has forever lost its meaning.


Junior Member
Words carry meaning. Either they stand for something or they mean nothing. So when we talk about the meaning of "peace through strength" it conveys certain things. Strength is not an inert abstract thought but is an attribute that when exercised projects a maximally effect. Unwillingness or inability to conduct itself when required projects weakness rather than strength. Herein lies the difference between Reagan and Obama. In Obama's worldview, the end justifies the mean. The end result is "red line" and "innocent passage" has forever lost its meaning.

I agree, words carry meaning and so it seems a lesson in strategic messaging to me. Rhetoric is in common use on the global stage to voice displeasure about something, but not enough attention is paid to the substance of the message over the general intent, by those employing it. Empty Threat syndrome.

But I don't think the solution is to back up every threat with a show of force as a means to convey strength; the world would forever be in conflict for what amounts to nothing more than face saving. Rather the lesson is to pay more care to crafting the message in the first place. Strength between nations is fairly self evident while intent is not.


But I don't think the solution is to back up every threat with a show of force as a means to convey strength; the world would forever be in conflict for what amounts to nothing more than face saving. Rather the lesson is to pay more care to crafting the message in the first place. Strength between nations is fairly self evident while intent is not.

Political message and words are crafted from policies and are not independent from policies. When Obama stated the red line over Syria, it is an output of a prescribed course of action from a given policy. Failure to follow through demonstrates weakness in resolve. Likewise, innocent passage has customary meaning in international law build over 30 plus years of FONOP's to give meaning to it. These words give meaning and define consequences if they are breached. It helps to restrain action and deter extreme behaviour because those meaning have consequences. When these meanings are lost it increases risk of miscalculation because the lines are no longer there to provide guidance. Peace is build through order and disorder comes from uncertainty.


Junior Member
Political message and words are crafted from policies and are not independent from policies.

While you would think so, the reality is that this is not always the case. Officials of varying positions go 'off the cuff' all the time with statements having to do with policy that do not always hold water i.e. reflect final policy that ends up being put into affect. Because events are fluid and government bureaucracy is what it is. At the Presidential level in the case of the US, it happens less often but it does happen. Situations evolve in the public sphere and behind the scenes diplomatically. Entrenched positions leave little room for dialogue and plenty for conflict.

When Obama stated the red line over Syria, it is an output of a prescribed course of action from a given policy. Failure to follow through demonstrates weakness in resolve. Likewise, innocent passage has customary meaning in international law build over 30 plus years of FONOP's to give meaning to it. These words give meaning and define consequences if they are breached. It helps to restrain action and deter extreme behaviour because those meaning have consequences. When these meanings are lost it increases risk of miscalculation because the lines are no longer there to provide guidance. Peace is build through order and disorder comes from uncertainty.

In the case of Syria specifically, there was no clear indication that Syrian Army Forces (Assad's forces) used the chemical weapons; the Syrian Government denying the allegation and claiming it was the rebels. As time has gone on, we've seen the development of IS from factions that broke off of the original FSA (Free Syrian Army) and the public is much more educated on the atrocities committed by these people. Additionally last year we saw evidence of IS using chemical weapons in Iraq, to no ones surprise, long after Assad gave up what stockpiles he had under his control.

The point is that there was never a smoking gun to point to the Syrian Government using chemical weapons and the administration knew that. Russia knew it too and pushed the fact while facilitating the removal of said weapons from the field under Syrian control as a solution. The failure was communication, where the rebels more than likely seized on Obama's red line as an opportunity to bring about direct US intervention to topple Assad; tactically a very smart move on their part. Obama should have directed blame at the radical factions as a means to neutralize them, but was still committed to supporting the FSA and removal of Assad so that never happened. Hindsight being 20/20 I'd bet they wish they could do just that, go back and weed out the radicals before they had the opportunity to expand as they have.
I agree with that assessment. More ships ...
... now you can tell us: FBI or USAF :)
FBI Data Belies Air Force Claim That Open Carry Stops 'Many' Shooters
FBI data on the number of active shootings thwarted by armed citizens appears to contradict an
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argument for authorizing off-duty airman to open-carry and conceal-carry weapons while on base.

In a reminder to commanders on Wednesday, Maj. Keith Quick, an Air Force Security Forces Integrated Defense action officer said national data analyzed by the Air Force showed that "many [active-shooter incidents] ended without police intervention because there was somebody there who had a concealed carry permit or somebody interdicted the active shooter."

But the data, which the Air Force said came from the FBI, states that only 5 of the 160 active-shooter incidents between 2000 and 2013 -- or 3.1 percent -- ended "after armed individuals who were not law enforcement personnel exchanged gunfire with the shooters."

The FBI report can be found
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. An Air Force spokeswoman on Friday said the officer may have used other data, which officials are now trying to identify.

Across the country, there are discussions, especially after mass shootings, over whether having more civilians armed would prevent mass killings by deranged gunmen or terrorists.

National Rifle Association Chief Executive Officer Wayne LaPierre Jr. famously advocated for armed civilians by claiming that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun."

The Air Force programs permitting base commanders to allow qualified airmen to carry weapons on base, on and off duty, were prompted by specific attacks on military installations, including one in July 2015 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, that left four Marines dead and a sailor wounded.

The gunman, a Kuwait-born naturalized U.S. citizen, was shot and killed by police.

Following that attack, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter directed the service secretaries to beef up armed security, including at facilities off base.

In December, Air Force Secretary Deborah James, referencing the Chattanooga attack as well those at
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, Texas, in 2009 and at the Washington
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Yard in 2013.
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psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan, who would admit to jihadist sympathies, killed 13 and wounded more than 30. At the Navy Yard, former Navy employee Aaron Alexis killed 12 people before turning the gun on himself.

"In the wake of [those attacks], we worked closely with DOD, the Joint Staff and other services to identify and provide effective and long-lasting force protection enhancements," James said.

The Air Force has three programs intended to enhance security through conceal-carry or open-carry by qualified airman. All require the approval of unit commanders and the authority of the base commander.

The programs are the Unit Marshal, the Security Forces Staff Arming and Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act, and the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act -- the latter a federal statute established for civilian police but now available to service members through their commanders.

Some will allow for conceal carry and others for open carry. In all cases the airmen have to be properly trained and qualified with the weapon. Unit level commanders may request the armed credentialing for their airmen but the base commander is the approving authority.

"We take the safety of our service members, civilians and their families who support them seriously and continue to examine ways to make our installations and facilities safer."
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
A great report, always with this Expert, on the new B61-12 nuclear bomb, for Bombers, F-15E and F-35A Block 4 about 2021.

Actually USAF use two nuclear bombs
B-83 max 1,2 Mt
B-61 last variant 11, 0,3 - 400 kt
Accuracy about 100 m the new minimum 30 m.
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But why USN don' t have nuclear bombs and since long time ? o_O

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Correct and we agree. But, something is missing.

He said the West could be safer by addressing reasonable Soviet core interests, but hawks in Congress, Pentagon, and policy making circles saw that as "appeasement" and were against it.

Reagan overruled them and went ahead anyway. The rest is history.
Well, I remember well the Regan years, and I do not remember ANY organized or substantial "Hawk," or "Right Wing" revolution against him or opposition to him.

To the contrary the conservatives pretty much loved him as everyone else did.

He had little opposition from any organized faction in the GOP. He was immensely popular and the left, although it did not like what he represented in many areas, could not do anything about it.

He was simply too popular and was having too much a positive impact.

They believed they risked their political career to go against him and that was why, even with a democratically controlled House and senate, he was able to get the majority of what he wanted through.

Did he do everything right? no...nobody does. But was he the right man at the right time that the vast majority of Americans recognized? Yes he was.

But guys...we are square into complete political territory here and SD is NOT ABOUT let's leave off with the political discussions.


Senior Member
U.S. Navy Releases Video to Illustrate the Surface Force Distributed Lethality Concept
The U.S. Navy Commander Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMNAVSURFPAC) just released a video to illustrate the Distributed Lethality Concept. The distributed lethality concept was introduced (and is being advocated) by Vice Admiral Thomas Rowden, the Commander of the U.S. Navy's surface forces. It can be summarized by fitting more weapons on more vessels in order to "deceive the enemy, target the enemy, and destroy the enemy".

At the recent Surface Navy Association's (SNA) National Symposium, Navy Recognition saw many examples and interpretation of this concept by the naval defense industry.

Kongsberg of Norway was showing Naval Strike Missiles (NSM) fitted aboard San Antonio class LPD (as seen in the CGI above).

Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC, a joint DRS/Thales company) was showing a video of DDG 51 Flight III fitted with a CAPTAS-4 Variable Depth Sonar (VDS).
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While I knew of the plan to fit missiles on LPDs, VLS on oilers is news to me
U.S. Navy Releases Video to Illustrate the Surface Force Distributed Lethality Concept

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While I knew of the plan to fit missiles on LPDs, VLS on oilers is news to me

I am just guessing that the availability of physical space on logistics ships makes them easier to modify with adding VLS's, though obviously at the cost of their primary purpose. This illustrates US flexibility in adopting what is often touted as asymmetric warfare methods by less advanced opponents. The funny thing with asymmetric warfare methods is that the advanced side can make use of these methods as well and probably make use of them even better than the less advanced side.