Okay So What is ACV as it is today? Answer it's a intended replacement for the USMC's LAV it's taken directly form the USMC's Marine personal carrier. that means it's a 8x8 wheeled medium weight ( about 18-25 tons) Armored personnel carrier. The Marines have decided to go with wheeled off the shelf types. including the:
AMV renamed HAVOC and
The Terrex.
The Marines thus far have been looking still for a APC this means that the main armament is a Machine gun with or auto grenade launcher. like the M240, M2, and Mk19 against infantry no problem but other vehicles it leaves something to be desired. but all three are form families with IFV variants with 30mm cannons.
Now all three Platforms are Amphibious capable but not long range amphibious and only in sea state 2, with a top speed of a about 8 MPH in a swim. the operational range limitations therefore mean that this platform will be more reliant on Connectors. this is troubling as the Proliferation of extended range antiship missiles mean that landing form close range is not really a option. Now the Marines had a program for a vehicle that had excellent fire power, good protection and long range on the seas the Marine Expeditionary vehicle. When that program was killed the Marines lost the range, and the concept of Ship to maneuver really went out the window. they started life extensions and upgrades to the AAV and reprograming of MPC into ACV 1.0. now when it comes to the next step the ACV 1.2 will probably be looking to a IFV version but ACV 2.0... the Marines seem to be braking onto a chorus form a Queen song "I want it all" the problem is to get it all they need more money. the program that had it all was to expensive for the Marines budget and axed. Now the Marines must do work arounds and compromises. this may mean more reliance on vertical assets like the V22 Osprey, eventually they will have to however make the move to a true AAV replacement. when that time comes it's not going to be pretty.
There options as i see it are when that day comes either resurrect EFV.
Now if the Marines are willing to sacrifice armor they could contract for Gibbs/Lockheed martin's technologies, who started work on a vehicle called the amphibious combat craft riverine that offered a high sea speed at 40MPH, 35 foot length with similar crew load to the EFV but with protection levels closer to the AAV.