US Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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The continuing loss of capacity in the solids industry is an ongoing concern in the Pentagon. Lack of appropriate solid motors has been identified as the primary cost driver/bottleneck as I've stated many times here and finally in the lastest GAO report:
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So they're worried that if Aerojet doesn't get enough large SRM business, they'll get out of that line of work altogether and be reduced to tactical missiles only, which would leave the Pentagon at the mercy of a single large SRM supplier (NG) who would effectively have a monopoly in the same way ULA had a monopoly before SpaceX elbowed in.

How to preserve large SRM production infrastructure and knowledge base during a long down-time before the next large ICBM procurement is a vexing issue indeed.

That's why many SRM startups have popped up recently. One was acquired by Anduril and another interesting one I found is
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, interestingly full of SpaceX Starshield people as well as 'Trump's hypersonics guy', Michael Griffin.
Griffin's idea for hypersonics is to find one or two companies that can 'SpaceX-ify' the industry because they are very far behind at this point.
Unfortunately for them, they will always be disadvantaged if they do not have access to the most cutting edge hypersonic wind tunnels. Given each of those takes even China 5+ years to build, and AFAIK the US is currently building zero, and not planning to build any, "SpaceX-ifying" the industry is a pipe dream. There are of course those who think that supercomputers and real world testing are all that you need, and that hypersonic wind tunnels are not necessary. That's just copium though.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
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WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will move a fighter jet squadron to the Middle East and maintain an aircraft carrier in the region, the Pentagon said Friday, beefing up the American military presence to help defend Israel from possible attacks by Iran and its proxies and safeguard U.S. troops.

Defense Secretary
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has also ordered additional ballistic missile defense-capable cruisers and destroyers to the European and Middle East regions and is taking steps to send more land-based ballistic missile defense weapons there, the Pentagon said in a statement Friday evening.

The shifts make good on a promise President Joe Biden made to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In a call Thursday afternoon, Biden discussed new U.S. military deployments to protect against possible attacks from ballistic missiles and drones, according to the White House. In April, U.S. forces intercepted dozens of missiles and drones fired by Iran against Israel and helped down nearly all of them.

U.S. leaders worry about escalating violence in the Middle East in response to recent attacks by Israel on Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, which
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. Iran also has threatened to respond after
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was assassinated in Tehran on Wednesday, a day after
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was killed in Beirut.

Israel has vowed to kill Hamas leaders over the group’s
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, which sparked the war in Gaza.

Austin is ordering the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group to the Middle East to replace the USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier strike group, which is in the Gulf of Oman but scheduled to come home later this summer. That decision suggests the Pentagon has decided to keep a carrier consistently in the region as a deterrent against Iran at least until next year.

The Pentagon did not say where the fighter jet squadron was coming from or where it would be based in the Middle East. A number of allies in the region are often willing to base U.S. military forces but don’t want it made public.

The Pentagon has options to provide additional land-based ballistic missile defense, such as the Patriot or the terminal high altitude area defense, known as THAAD, both of which launch interceptor missiles from specialized trailer-based mobile launching systems. The Pentagon did not identify what system it would be deploying to augment defenses in the region.

The White House in a statement said Biden “reaffirmed his commitment to Israel’s security against all threats from Iran, including its proxy terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis.”

Earlier Friday, Sabrina Singh, Pentagon spokeswoman, told reporters that moves were in the works. She said Austin “will be directing multiple” force movements to provide additional support to Israel and increase protection for U.S. troops in the region.

Military and defense officials have been considering a wide array of options, from additional ships and fighter aircraft squadrons to added air defense systems or unmanned weapons. In many cases the U.S. does not provide details because host nations are very sensitive about the presence of additional U.S. forces and don’t want those movements made public.

It’s unclear what new ships would move to the Middle East.

The U.S. has had a consistent warship presence there and in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, including two Navy destroyers, the USS Roosevelt and the USS Bulkeley, as well as the USS Wasp and the USS New York. The Wasp and the New York are part of the amphibious ready group and carry a Marine expeditionary unit that could be used if any evacuation of U.S. personnel is required.

In addition, a U.S. official said that two U.S Navy destroyers that are currently in the Middle East will be heading north up the Red Sea toward the Mediterranean Sea. At least one of those could linger in the Mediterranean if needed. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss troop movements.


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Failure to Launch
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Blaming the pandemic is an outdated fad. The Navy's workforce problems, military, civilian and industry, are due to lack of education and skill development, poor pay and working conditions, and management with a "private equity" mindset.

As an acquisition program, the Constellation is on-track for the "acquisition malpractice" label Frank Kendall (now SecAF) awarded the F-35 program a dozen years ago.

From 800 million to 1.3 billion USD for an FFG?!

China would've been building one super 055 DDG (or even CG) with that amount of money.


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The US Senate Appropriations Committee on August 1 approved the Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025, which allocates $851.7 billion in funding to the US military (a 3.3% increase compared to fiscal year 2024) to counter support for China and Russia, as well as strengthen the military-industrial base.


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The US Senate Appropriations Committee on August 1 approved the Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025, which allocates $851.7 billion in funding to the US military (a 3.3% increase compared to fiscal year 2024) to counter support for China and Russia, as well as strengthen the military-industrial base.
That's an amusingly tepid increase. Factor in real inflation (not the bogus cooked up numbers) and it's a marginal decrease.