Thanks for posting this Franklin, and really, this is not news as the US deploys "Show of Force, sorties all the time, kinda goes with our "cowboy" thang. Normally the Sheriff walks down the street with his Colt slung on his hip and kinda swaggers, every once in a while the "drunken wranglers" come to town and he hauls out the "thuty thuty" or the old sawed off double, eases on down to post outside the "waterin hole", takes out a paper and his pouch, and neatly lays a line o tabaki in that paper and rolls one, sealed with a lick, sticks it in his mouth and lights the match on his boot. This little ritual says, I'm cool, if you're cool. Now this does make the bad guys nervous, especially if they're "up to no good", and yes the bad guys always get dead if they are, so everyone gets the point. We just call it "Border Patrol", but we do it to reassure the local ranchers that the Sheriff has his eye one things. Cheers AFB