Yesterday The Washington Post published this article about it:
. It is pretty long, it is in four parts, so I suppose I leave everyone to find it at the WP web site.
The most significant part is, I think, this from the first page:
"A former nuclear strategist, Marshall has spent the past 40 years running the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, searching for potential threats to American
dominance. In the process, he has built a network of allies in Congress, in the defense industry, at think tanks and at the Pentagon that amounts to a permanent Washington bureaucracy."
I added the emphasis. Maintaining dominance is of course fundamentally different from defending a country's independence.
Marshall is described in the first sentence of the article:
"When President Obama called on the U.S. military to shift its focus to Asia earlier this year, Andrew Marshall, a 91-year-old futurist, had a vision of what to do."
Another interesting part is:
"Marshall’s small office in the Pentagon has spent the past two decades planning for a war against an angry, aggressive and heavily armed China.
No one had any idea how the war would start. But the American response, laid out in a concept that one of Marshall’s longtime proteges dubbed “Air-Sea Battle,” was clear."
China can best win by not going to war. It already effectively solved the Taiwan problem. But USN and USAF would win if this concept is accepted by Congress, and so would the US defense industry, and the US taxpayer would loose.