just a correctionI love how the Austal Class LCS is designed and looks.
just a correction
Austal is not the class it's one of the companies involved in it's design. The Class is Independence class. I do have too agree with you though it is a very unique design that does have it's own unique "sex appeal"
You're right, thanks for the correction. So what happen to the other class of LCS (USS Freedom) so far? Is it true, that these LCS don't have torpedo tubes or even VLS (vertical launch systems)?
Last week we showed you this photo I took of a mysterious missile that Boeing had on display at the Surface Navy Association’s annual convention just outside of DC.
I had never seen, or heard of, this missile before and no one at Boeing’s booth could talk about the weapon. Well, a spokeswoman with Boeing’s Phantom Works division just emailed me to explain that the Joint Air-Breathing Multi-Role Missile (JABMM) is being designed for use by the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ships (LCS).
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Austal said:
2nd Littoral Combat Ship Christened
January 16, 2012
"Coronado", the second Independence-variant Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), was christened on January 14, 2012 during a ceremony at Austal USA in Mobile, Alabama. The Independence-variant LCS, with its trimaran hull–design, offers maneuverability, stability, endurance, shallow draft, three weapon zones, and a flight deck larger than any other U.S. Navy surface combatant.