Ukrainian War Developments

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Thanks for the advice, now I can watch updates without scrolling throw your rubbish


@Deino can you suggest above user to stop using words like tankies. @sequ is deliberately trying to annoy/humiliate/personal attack most of SDF users with slurs.

And his steam of twitter photos of captured POWs. Can we not post POW photos them unless they're of significant strategic value? They really don't add much to the conversation and is dehumanizing by certain levels.


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I'm sure there is some multiple ways Russia can be excluded from the UNSC using off hand tactics. Whatever way they try, it will immediately isolate China and a multitude of other countries.

The UN will just become another expensive government building in New York, able to pass whatever resolutions it wants but it won't change anything internationally. A UNSC condemnation of the Ukraine war without Russia, China means the exact same as the US government just making the announcement. The UN is powerless without it's members.

It was one of the reasons China was eventually readmitted to the UN. There's no point in the UN existing if the biggest country isn't part of it.
Friendly reminder that the only reason that the world didn't become a nuclear wasteland in the Cuban missile crisis was because the US and the Soviets talked their differences in the UNSC.


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And his steam of twitter photos of captured POWs. Can we not post POW photos them unless they're of significant strategic value? They really don't add much to the conversation and is dehumanizing by certain levels.
Also note they mostly post individual post-battle scenes of a few vehicles, abandoned vehicles, or single POWs. This is for maximum emotional effect because people seeing things close up and individualized incites maximum emotion.

Russians post actual videos of their military firing weapons at targets and rounding up entire units of Ukrainians. This seems more for documentation purposes.


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It’s the equivalent to a wumao or the counterpart to “CIA shill”

It started as a derogatory term against members of British labour/communist parties who supported the invasion of Hungary by the USSR in 1956. Since it involved a lot of tanks, they were called tankies.

It was later "expanded" by other western non-Marxist-Leninist "leftists" to include any group of people that had a nuanced view of Stalin, Lenin and Mao. Some time later, it was further expanded again, mostly by anglo anarkiddies, it include any movement, person or country they didn't like and after that it was apropiated by liberal-white-supremacists-in-denial to call anyone who opposed NATO, the US or the Neoliberal status quo.
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