Ukrainian War Developments

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Nah more like thank you China who produced the economic might to scare the living s**t out of those racists. If China were like India, the Poles and Ukrainians would be punching the s**t out of them.
Adding on top of that and going off a topic a bit, this is REAL hard power at work, not that soft power bs like anime and K-Pop.


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Putin fooled the entire country:

"It really does appear to be the case that despite a meticulous 1 year build up of the biggest invasion force Europe has seen in 50+ years, no one bothered to tell anyone down the Russian chain of command about what they were going to be doing and why up until the last minute. Absolutely stunning lack of communications security on the part of the Russian military - using insecure comms that can be easily listened to.

Think about it - the US government knew more about Russian invasion plans of Ukraine than Russian military lieutenants, sergeants and privates. Due to the attempt to convince the world that he really wasn’t going to invade, Putin managed to shock and blindside his own troops. The lack of plausible pretext for invasion did not just result in Putin instantly turning into an international pariah but also tanked the morale of the force since they can’t understand why they are invading their brotherly nation.

The psychological element of this cannot to be underestimated. Ukraine—Eastern and Southern one in particular—looks like Russia. People speak Russian. Babushka on the street looks like a soldier’s grandmother. Without proper indoctrination, it’s very demoralizing to fight there. And there was no such indoctrination.

There was no training specific to the mission. The whole invasion seems to have been cooked up in the offices of the Russian General Staff on Znamenka Street in Moscow with no one else being told. This is pretty much textbook example of how you NOT launch a war.

Putin’s lies and secrecy may have doomed his efforts before the invasion even began

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