Ukrainian War Developments

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Why are people here rushing to judgement? NATO never had boots on the ground in Serbia, had its F117 shot down and largely failed to dismantle the anti-air capabilities of the Serbs or the capabilities of the Serbian military. Ukraine is a country much larger than Serbia with ~6x the size, ~6x the population. It isn't a trivial undertaking to invade a country the size of Ukraine. NATO spent ~3 months bombing Serbia without much success.


Registered Member
According to Russians and Seperatists city of Mariupol is under siege from all directions.
It's 4:37PM Kiev time, I doubt they would be able to take the city before nightfall.
Which brings me to another point: Russians have shown to be extremely reluctant to conduct night ops in this war, opting instead to use the night for artillery strikes to soften up targets for next day's assault. If you are technologically superior you should be trying to conduct night fight as that's a case where your tech advantage really shows through.


Registered Member
Why are people here rushing to judgement? NATO never had boots on the ground in Serbia, had it's F117 shot down and largely failed to dismantle the anti-air capabilities of the Serbs or the capabilities of the Serbian military. Ukraine is a country much larger than Serbia with ~6x the size, ~6x the population. It isn't a trivial undertaking to invade a country the size of Ukraine.
Yeah never really get this point we are day 6 or so, Ukraine is like 40% bigger then Iraq its not like tanks and vehicles move like 4 times faster. Then i have to say some stupid about Russia bad because my colleagues are shocked when i explain it.
Same with the so called sanction they talk about the whole world sanctions Russia but its just the west and that money in 2022 is mostly just bytes on server A being sent to server B and don't represent commidities.


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I actually made a post on the original feed half an hour ago pointing out the obvious lack of object. Now lo and behold a missile is suddenly painted on. Guess you can go back in time and re-write history after all.
Actually there is a kalibr-like projectile in original video, you shouldn’t criticize others without doing a little fact checking
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