Ukrainian War Developments

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How is that even possible ? I think it is time to eject the US, UK and all its enablers from the UN. Enough wars and coups of aggression, enough with the lies and the global deceit by the evil empire. The Anglo-Americans have totally lost it.
They can't kick Russia but they can withdraw the visas of all Russian diplomats making it impossible for Russia to take their seat at the UNSC. The building is physically located in America after all. The trouble is, if they they do it to Russia they'll have to do it to China too (and probably India).

Opposing the war in Ukraine one thing, but pretty much every country in the UN will be opposed to this outside the western ones. It'll be the end of the UN. Long term I think the UN is finished, unless the SC moved to a country suitable for China. It'll be another win for Russia.

It's just a tantrum by incompetent politicians. They've blinked when it came to the nuclear questions, so they'll back down from this. The Russians will be vocally outraged but secretly be secretly delighted and happily comply. They've already said they've been unable to attend the disarment conference in Geneva because airspace was closed to them.

All America has done is shown another one of the cards they are prepared to play against China the next time they bring up the Uyghur "genocide".


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This crisis is wholly US/State Department/CIA borne.
Every life lost, person mutilated and violated can be laid at the door of the US and their vendetta against Russia.

Re Zelensky and his being a Comedian; did you know Comedians tend to have mental illnesses/depression- it's what gives them great material- that sardonic cynical view of life; chances are ukraine is being led by someone who's off his meds.


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Putin all this while underestimated European Unity and resolve. This is evident from the act that he reduced his Dollar Holdings and converted it into Euros. Thinking it'll be safe from US sanctions and EU would be too cucked to do anything about it. Turns out that was a disastrous move. He should've stuck with only Gold and Yuan.

A United Europe can do much more damage than US alone can ever accomplish. But its to be seen how long this unity lasts.


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A comedian politically outmaneuvered a former KGB officer and 2 decades long president of Russia. In what world are we living in?

Totally symbolic move with little substance since EU parliament is toothless with little power. The true power is the EU commision and 28 individual governments with Veto power. There is no way EU will incorporate Ukraine while its in Active War. If Ukraine manages to kick Russia out, sure... But that won't happen anytime soon.

Once Russia completes its regime change and likely breaks up Eastern Ukraine into smaller pieces of People's republics, then Ukraine will become toxic for EU and will likely be sanctioned even more heavily than Russia by the Western Empire


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Looks like Putin is threatening to go full YOLO and give the mullahs nukes! Cancelling Putin's netflix subscription wasn't so smart. Biden better restore that ASAP.

He doesn't need to send blueprints. It would take too long and any cold testing sides would be bombed by Iran. Fully assembled warheads would be the obvious choice. Virtually impossible for Americans to detect and they can be mated to Iranian missiles straight away.

Too bad Castro was an old softie and never developed his own missile programme.
Soon to follow a nuclear armed Turkey, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and who knows else in opposition to the one or the other. Handling out nuclear technologi like that is opening Pandora's Box and a Fool's Game. Hairy times ahead.
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