Ukrainian War Developments

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Singapore says it is non interference? But it does this?

The other day it made a racist statement about India Parliament.

And it hosts Western aircraft that harass China in SCS.

I hope the other ASEAN countries are different from Singapore and do not bend over backwards for Western nations. Disappointing! A majority Chinese nation, it's no different from Taiwan province! Shame!

Not surprising.

Singapore has always been pro West though they claimed to staunchly uphold international law only to see them supporteing invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.
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Junior Member
Putin has lost in some aspects, no matter how this war might end.
1. He might conquer Ukraine with heavy losses but he has lost the Ukrainians forever(their hearts)

2. After his criminal attack NATO is more united then ever before. More nations want to join because they don't want to get annexed by Putin who suddenly claims the right to decide which nations have a right to exist and which not

3. Russian economic collapse due to sanctions

4. He destroyed the trust between Russia and Germany built up by generations after the war. It will take decades to restore this trust


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One fundamental error of Western mind is that it consumes its own propaganda: Vladimir Vladimirovich within the Russian ruling class occupies the prudent end: he is the last one to be convinced

It was war now or a much worse war in the future. The Russian ruling class with its serious, unpleasant and rational decision has saved us Europeans a very serious situation in the future. As someone has said, it is very similar to Mao's difficult decision in Korea



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i am going to leave this here. i think he has a interesting analysis. any thought?
That definitely is an interesting read and analysis and a number of interesting points are being brought up (putin, and well RuAF experience in doing special operations but not large scale warfare of this scale).

And while it's clear lots of misinformation is being spread and exist, it's already somewhat clear that a number of mistakes were made by RuAF (actions on first day, 'unexpected' resistance etc.)


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:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
What they're going to give them explosive collars too?
Penal battalions? the war crimes are going to spike- only it'll be ukrainians doing it to themselves; rapes, murders, atrocities. Zelensky is probably ordering all of this from a base in Poland.

1. He might conquer Ukraine with heavy losses but he has lost the Ukrainians forever(their hearts)

2. After his criminal attack NATO is more united then ever before. More nations want to join because they don't want to get annexed by Putin who suddenly claims the right to decide which nations have a right to exist and which not

3. Russian economic collapse due to sanctions

4. He destroyed the trust between Russia and Germany built up by generations after the war. It will take decades to restore this trust
1. what does it matter? Russian teachers, textbooks and burea of education will ensure the next generaiton of ukrainians are patriots and slavic brethren. If you have doubts, look at the effect of British propaganda on HK from 1997 to 2021.
2. All those nations wanting to join were already de facto members eg Sweden who helped the US spy on Russia and Finland as well, to say nothing of Kosovo.
3. russian economy will rebound once it re-orients itself towards China dn BRI; it still has a massive trove of resources, indsutrial output and access to Chinese capital not to mention chinese technical expertise.
4. What trust? the trust where Germany secretly aided neonazis in Ukraine at the behest of the United States, despite supposedly being the anti- Nazi state that modern Deutschland is supposed to be?

The last point has actually been the most shocking to myself; i would have expected Germany to be the last state to sponsor neo-nazis but having the German spy chief in Ukraine to co-ordinate neo nazi groups...not a good look for modern post war Germany i must say


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i am going to leave this here. i think he has a interesting analysis. any thought?

This guy's "analysis" was food for thought, but the flavour is bland and still raw on the inside. And by raw, I mean frozen, because this analysis was taken straight from the freezer to the plate without passing through the microwave.

He raises several points, primarily: Apparent differences in morale between opposing forces, the weakness of Russian military bureaucracy, the "misguided" approach of developing naval forces alongside ground forces, assumptions of Russian assumptions, the remilitarization of Ukraine, the importance of an existential threat, and the assertion that "power is mythological."

Unfortunately, it's mostly bullshit.

The analyst does not consider that Brandenburg, Prussia, and France are utterly invalid analogies. War in the 21st century cannot be compared to war in the 17th. Yugoslavia was not defeated because they made errors in military spending - they did not even have a navy to divert funding to. Yugoslavia was defeated because the aerial bombing campaign of a numerically and technologically-superior opponent destroyed what little they had left to fight with.

The analyst assumes that Putin was not expecting a large-scale conventional conflict because of Putin's personal history and political decisions. But everyone could see the outrageous military buildup over the last two months and the deployment of over 150,000 Russian troops. Does the analyst believe that the preparations were mostly for show, and that real war had not been on Putin's mind? This logic is not sound and the assumption should be invalidated.

The analyst assumes that Ukraine will be resilient to defeat because the Russian invasion is an existential threat. But to the separatists of Donbas, the existential threat to their survival is Ukraine. And to Russia, the existential threat at hand is NATO. This failure to understand that the Russo-Ukranian War is fundamentally a matter of life and death to all belligerents involved, not only Ukraine, further degrades his argument.

The analyst argues that Ukraine has 400,000 veterans from fighting the separatists in Donbas for several years. Where are they? Nothing on the ground suggests that Ukraine is enjoying a 4:1 numerical advantage. Kiev is undefended and surrounded, and Russian forces have already pushed over 200 km from the Crimean border. They are losing ground by the hour. The only front that hasn't budged is in the east, and that pocket will be closed on the Ukranians there if they don't break out in the coming week.

Finally, the analyst suggests that power is mythological, that it is entirely a social construct, that people are emboldened and empowered to fight when they believe in success. By that logic, ISIS would already have conquered united the Middle East. I need not explain further why this is complete bullshit, and if any of my lecturers suggested such a thing, I will tear up my IR degree and flush it down the toilet.

I agree with you, I think he has an interesting analysis. I am interested to know if the number of brain cells in his head exceed the number of fingers on my hands, and I have a feeling that the answer is no. And he has the audacity to say that other analysts "misunderstand Russian strategy and political goals" despite being full of nothing but hot air himself. From an academic context, anyone making "analysis" on Twitter should be put against a wall and shot.

Ukraine has won some battles so far, but they are well on their way to losing the war, because the war is defined by Russia's political goals. War is a continuation of politics by other means. What is Russia's primary political goal in this conflict? To ensure that NATO never expands into Ukraine. As long as Russia can keep NATO out of Ukraine for the foreseeable future, it will have won the war.

There are several ways to achieve this. The first is to negotiate with Ukraine, which failed. The second is to negotiate with Ukraine, but louder this time, using guns and artillery, and we are waiting to see if this method will work - already, both sides have agreed to talk.

Failing that, the Russians must force Ukraine to capitulate. If a high-intensity bombing campaign on critical infrastructure in Gulf War-style is sufficient, then many casualties could be avoided. If the Ukrainians retain the will to fight and have a reasonable hope of decisively defeating Russian forces, then the outcome will be brutal.

In the worst case scenario, Kiev will resemble Grozny by the time the war is done.


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Probably what made Vladimir change course was (1) seeing the appalling indifference of the supposed chancellor of the supposed Germany, a rag doll with no mental freedom and no real sovereignty and (2) listening to the crazy clown Zelensky talk about "atomic weapons" ... amid the complicit silence of those gathered there.
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