Ukrainian War Developments

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Junior Member
If China’s trying to integrate Taiwan into its territory, would that create ill will?

As I posted in the Taiwan thread, the countdown for the reunification campaign has been (maybe prematurely) started by Russia. Taiwan will speed up de-sinicization and become full Azov like anti-chinese "ethnic" nationalist (wont care that they are ethnic chinese as well, they'd just make some shit up). I hope for China that they are now not going to try the hearts and minds bullshit that the Russians here tried, but immediately flatten any resistance pockets with overwhelming firepower and then deport most if not all of Taiwan's 20+million people to impoverished dustbowl mainland provinces like Qinghai when it comes to reintegration. After this Ukraine episode, you can be sure that anti scrap of goodwill has ceased to exist - on both sides of the strait.


Registered Member
If China’s trying to integrate Taiwan into its territory, would that create ill will?
look at UKR. They are fighting like the Waffen SS. Think you can integrate them without massive firepower?

This is the linguistic map of Taiwan. Green = Hokkien speakers, blue = Mandarin speakers.


This is the electoral map of Taiwan. Green = DPP, blue = KMT.


Hmm, look at that. If I didn't tell you which was which, you'd say they were probably the same map.

DPP is quickly becoming a Hokkien fscist party. Many here used to think, maybe there will be a KMT uprising or ROC armed forces will overthrow the civilian government if they try to declare independence.

Ukraine has showed us, that is hopium. Carpet bombing, not mercy, is the best motivator.


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No, they'd be making it possible for ships to do so. And there would be Aegis, bombers sortying out of wherever etc. A couple B-1Bs dropping 50 LRASMs to the party would make a nice mess.
"Wherever"?! hahahahaha
Yes, very American, very Hollywood. Only a true American, consuming Hollywood "chad heroism" propaganda from birth, can say things with such authentic American-ness.

Aeschylus must have been pre-ordained by God to be born thousands of years before the birth of America, yet still produced the concept of "deus ex machina". For him, it was just a literary device. For Americans, that's their own reality.

American military coming out of literally nowhere, "wherever" (as termed by you), like angels descending upon this sinful world. Hand of God, eh! lol

He/She is a Confused Desi assuming an American Identity to be precise to piss on anything China related and call it an American rain.
A real American war-fighter, whichever side he/she sleeps on, won't throw away any and all caution with such abandon.


Junior Member
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look at UKR. They are fighting like the Waffen SS. Think you can integrate them without massive firepower?

This is the linguistic map of Taiwan. Green = Hokkien speakers, blue = Mandarin speakers.


This is the electoral map of Taiwan. Green = DPP, blue = KMT.


Hmm, look at that. If I didn't tell you which was which, you'd say they were probably the same map.

DPP is quickly becoming a Hokkien fscist party. Many here used to think, maybe there will be a KMT uprising or ROC armed forces will overthrow the civilian government if they try to declare independence.

Ukraine has showed us, that is hopium. Carpet bombing, not mercy, is the best motivator.
Does Taiwan have a strong morale or will to fight like Ukraine? Usually the countries with higher stability or standards of living tend to be most averse to war. No wonder the Europeans are going crazy about a conflict in their backyards.


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My Strategic view of this war:

Russia has taken the biggest gamble that will define its future. But this is a gamble they had to take. They could clearly see that the advance of the US led western empire was slowing coming towards their borders on all directions. The protests in Belarus has shown that it is becoming inevitable that all former soviet states will not be able to ignore allure of the EU since they see every EU member gets to become rich, has reduced corruption and overall becomes a developed country. This allure of being developed and having the good life is too strong to stop with only grey zone threats coming from Russia.

So they had to fulfill on those threats and show the post soviet states that they will will get destroyed if they try to leave the russian orbit. the power of hope can only be beaten by power of despair.

But the problem with Russia's current strategy is that they are not creating despair with their soft approach in Ukraine. Instead, their losses are giving a different kind of hope to Ukraine, the hope of military victory. It is now certain that if Russia stops this war without full surrender then Ukraine will become even bolder in terms of becoming "Anti-Russia". The military defeat will also cause huge loss of prestige in other soviet states and will probably lead to rise of pro-western governments there as well.

So slowly but surely Russia will come to the realization that bombing the hell out of Ukraine is better than letting them go. Moreover, I think all the anti-war sentiment in Russian public will not last long. Very soon all the military deaths and sense of humiliation will ignite anger in the Russia psyche. They will no longer feel the brotherly love that they used to feel and instead start to think them as insolent brats humiliating Russia. Russian public will want harder response.

So both Russian public demand and leadership realization will lead to massive bombing of Ukraine to force them to surrender. To show them that you don't insult Russia and get to live.

This will truly be the end of Ukraine as a state and any form of Ukrainian nationalism will be over. I expect Russia to give Ukraine the Xinjiang Reeducation treatment once this is over.

james smith esq

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"Wherever"?! hahahahaha
Yes, very American, very Hollywood. Only a true American, consuming Hollywood "chad heroism" propaganda from birth, can say things with such authentic American-ness.

Aeschylus must have been pre-ordained by God to be born thousands of years before the birth of America, yet still produced the concept of "deus ex machina". For him, it was just a literary device. For Americans, that's their own reality.

American military coming out of literally nowhere, "wherever" (as termed by you), like angels descending upon this sinful world. Hand of God, eh! lol
I’ll tell you again, this is AFB!
Next he’ll be proselytizing in the name of Yeezy!
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Registered Member
Does Taiwan have a strong morale or will to fight like Ukraine? Usually the countries with higher stability or standards of living tend to be most averse to war. No wonder the Europeans are going crazy about a conflict in their backyards.
Nobody thought Ukraine had the will to fight though, that's the thing. Russia took Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk bloodlessly. They thought that they had broken the will of Ukraine and that the Nazis were just LARPers, but maybe a potential future threat that could be easily brushed aside like before.

Ukraine is in a situation much like North Korea: they're a poor, but highly industrialized country. Most Ukrainians aren't illiterate dirt farmers or something, they're accountants, programmers, engineers, etc just like how North Korea isn't filled with illiterate dirt farmers either.

Russia made a mistake in thinking the modern lifestyle of Ukrainians + their cultural proximity to Russians + the ease with which they took Crimea/Donetsk/Luhansk would translate on a bigger scale to all of East Ukraine. South Korea should also take note that North Korea isn't a pushover and unlike Ukraine they didn't give up their strategic arsenal.

Jingle Bells

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Yes, "wherever". The US has launched bomber missions over the Middle East from US soil. You (and some of your homies) should educate yourselves.
I don't want to sound like a villain. I think you totally missed my point.
I am not saying that the US can or can not. I am saying that it would be a very stupid thing to do if the US does it.

The Berlin airlift was not a real conflict, it was a international political competition between the two blocks. The US did it to consolidate the confidence of the entire western world that was just starting to recover from the destructive WW2. This kind of action has the same effect
as hosting a splendid and memorable Olympic Game, like the 1964 Tokyo Olympics or the 2008 Beijing Olympics. It's essentially a show of soft power in the form hard power.

The US military commanders and strategists are some of the best, smartest and professional people in the country, if not in the whole world. Why would such rational, smart, well educated and well experienced people misuse US military assets in such a strategically wasteful and inefficient way? Just to keep their actions inline with chad-narcissists like you? To satisfy your fantasy and stroke your ego?

Please pull your head out of the sand and throw away that movie-logic.

Anime-logic, hentai-logic and movie-logic are good for private pleasures. But please don't put them in this forum.
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