Ukrainian War Developments

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Why are people, who obviously are anti-China and pro-Western/US, both on this forum and of course the broader Internet, so adamant in telling/warning China/Chinese that Russia can backstab China on a whim?! Like it just is pure disingenuous concern....
They just like telling people what to do. And they fly into a narcissistic rage when people think for themselves and discount what they're saying.


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Germany sending more arms to Ukraine is not likely to shift the tide of the war. Ukraine had spent billions and years, procuring and training on Javelins, NLAWs, Israeli small arms, and other NATO weapons. But when war arrived, Ukrainians are now resorting to handing out AKs to civilians like candy to defend Kiev. The Russians are picking up Ukraine's collection of Western equipment like trophies.

How would 1000 Panzerfaust 3s and 500 Stingers help Ukraine? Not in a good way. It only lengthens the war, cause more bloodshed, and end up as more war trophies for the Russians. I would even argue that if Germany even were to gift Leopard 2s and Marders to the Ukrainians, it'll end up the same.
The west sees it as grinding down Russian forces; the more damage they can indirectly cause and contribute to the better for military planners and NATO hegemony. Same concept as handing weapons out to the Mujahideen.


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Talking out of his ass just like the rest of the 90% on twitter/reddit...

He making a veiled threat at Putin? So what if Putin is two years shy of the average Russian life expectancy?
The current US POTUS Brandon is way past his expiration date if anyone is still counting
I mean even after fatso Pompeo slimmed down (which was a genuine big deal), its not gonna help unclog years of damage from all them big mac. Here is betting Pompeo will go tits up before our buddy Vlad.


Junior Member
Yeah, and the continental powers will never fight each other. Of course not. You complete plum!
They did and that was the biggest mistake ever. I get that a shill like you would like to see nothing more than China and Russia expending their resources against each other, instead of coming together to wipe you settler colonialists from the face of the earth.

China and Russia are now clever enough to know that all continental wars only made McKinder proud and the US stronger. Never again should this happen. You waste your time trying to shill here.


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If you for a second doubt that Russia would not fuck over China but hard given half a chance you have not studied history. Right now it is USA vs Russia and China, 30 years ago it was Russia vs China and USA, before that it was China, USA and USSR vs Germany and Japan. Who knows where it will be 30 years hence? But Russia and China share a border, and have divergent interests....

Lets worry about the next 30 years once we get there. For now, its US aiming ICBMs at my family in China, not Russia.


Senior Member
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Why are people, who obviously are anti-China and pro-Western/US, both on this forum and of course the broader Internet, so adamant in telling/warning China/Chinese that Russia can backstab China on a whim?! Like it just is pure disingenuous concern....
This war has bought out a lot of people to show their ulterior motives. There are a lot of people right now who want to see China and Russia backstab each other so the US can come up and finish them both off. With their shitty excuse of accusing us of being Russianphiles instead of us simply having common sense, I believe there are some trolls who have infiltrated this forum.


Junior Member
“If the country small but the ruler doesn’t accept humble status; its forces weak but never fears the strong ; the country knows no ritual propriety, insults strong neighbors; greedy and obstinate but unskilful in diplomacy; such country deserves the downfall.” Han Fei 280 – 233 BC


Small countries do not have the right to chose. Sorry about that. Ukraine did all that to themselves by being stupid and not applying political wisdoms known since 200BC.
While I agree with 韩非子, but he was not assigning blame, but issue warning to states.
Also, I think this is more applicable to Ukraine

恃交援而简近邻,怙强大之救而侮所迫之国者,可 亡也。

basically a country should antaganise it's neighbors, turning them into enemy while only rely on far away strong allies for defense. That's exactly what Ukarian president did.
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