Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
I thought they would wait till Kyiv had fallen to use this but nope.

They are being selective to continue to buy Russian energy commodity. Way to have your cake and eat it too.
The freezing and rolling blackouts only a decision away .

Why they think that after all of this the Russians are not willing to stop the gas flow to the EU ?

What they will do, scrap the NS2 project altogether ?
Or sanction the Russian gas industry ?
This is smart from the US. It wants to destroy the German Industry but it can't make it too obvious, so it passes the hot potato to Putin in order to make him the fall guy if/when he shuts the gas

The way they (the US..) made the sanctions, Putin will most likely stop the gas flow

That's why being the Hegemon pays off. You can keep abusing your subordinates and they don't dare to say anything
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Moderator - World Affairs
probably the worst post in the history of SDF

so a psychopath blows up a entire nation and because he was provoked so you blame the provocateurs? Putin has no self restraint ? its ok to kill civilians ? you support the killing of civilians ?

lowest post on SDF EVER!
Haven't you heard? You can simply dismiss Ukrainian civilian lives because Ukraine is a "US puppet" that deserves what it gets from Russia. It take some large mental gymnastics to place the blame entirely on US imperialism and their 'US puppets' while Russia also shares the burden of the blame as well. Realistically, this is a highly complex situation, it's disingenuous to label things so cleanly in black-and-white. Both sides have fault, so it's sad to see Ukrainian civilian lives being so trivially dismissed when the entire situation is preventable by both sides.


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Super Moderator
But the Ukrainian are Russian's neighbors, brothers and cousins. I don't think Russian can adopt a scorched earth policy like they did in Afghanistan. So far, we only been hearing from Western/Ukraine media how Russian failed at certain objectives, but that is just typical propaganda (I see that alot with China as well. They will create a false objective that China never claimed it wanted to achieve and say how China has failed).

From the russian military saide, they might see things are going fine and mostly according to plan. Local setback are to be expected, but the overall picture is still heavily russian favored. Also, shelling major cities is not going to stop Ukrainian militia ambush Russian convoys. These loss in a style of war Russia is executing now(sourounding the major city and push deeper into Ukraine) is almost unavoidable,. Militia can only harass and slow down an advance, its not going to win a war for Ukraine.

If the Russians believed in such brotherly love then don't start full scale invasion in the first place. Defend "brothers" in Donbass but don't take the friggin capital, or attempt to.


Senior Member
I am interested in the statistics, I wasn’t trying to make light of anyone their because I have been some videos of Ukrainian soldiers surrendering in some places as per rt but I have yet to see the same of Russian soldiers doing the same. I am not surprised that Russia hasn’t taken Kiev yet but this is early days, it would be foolish to rush things because right now Germany has sanctioned Russia in regards to there economy when 50% of their natural gas comes from Russia. This is going to have some very negative effects on Germany in the short and long term so Rushing blindly and making decisions on extreme emotion is not going to help anyone.
If I mean my statements in a harsh tone when that isn’t the attention, I apologise
Never apologise to a troll bro.

reservior dogs

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Registered Member
Territory is a fairly unimportant gauge of a nation's capabilities these days.
This is not about gaining more territory. As John Mearsheimer said, a nation with global hegemonic ambition like the U.S. will never tolerate another independent power, especially one as big as Russia. So if they tolerated Ukraine turning West and killing off all the ethnic Russians in Ukraine, the next step is the break up of Russia. This is zero sum game of strategic competition. Maybe it won't happen tomorrow, but someday when Russia is weak, we would gun for the break up of Russia. Putin saw a chance to push back against the U.S. and he seized this opportunity. Unlike Erdogan, who appear to not understand resource constrains when he try to expand the Turkic sphere of influence, Putin understands the economic limitation of his country. Just look at his past wars with Syria, for example. He was very careful with limiting the scope of the wars.

Russia is a resource state. Putin did his best to change the economy but at the end of the day, they have been mainly selling resources and weapons. They are losing the weapons trade. There is no chance that Russia will become a manufacturing power like China. If they continue to ally with China, there is no need for them to become a manufacturing nation. Canada lives very well not doing much manufacturing. As such, the longer term implication of blocking them out of SWIFT would be dire for the U.S. and Europe. If the resource market were mainly from the West, I don't think he would have these wars, but being able to sell to the Chinese gave him this option.

National security always trumps economics. I think Putin tried to secure his nation from being screwed with by the West with these wars. Maybe Russia will not fall while he is still in charge, but you have to ensure that to be the case even if another Gobachev were to come to power in the future.


Registered Member
This may sound harsh, but the moment Putin decided to go all in on Ukraine he should’ve been prepared to, you know, stop holding back. The global media will paint him a villain regardless of what he does.

If you choose the irrational action, be decisive enough to go completely bonkers. Otherwise it will only handicap your forces.
Hope Xi is taking notes on this mistake
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