Former NATO supreme commander believes a no-fly or safe zone in Ukraine is being considered by the US:
With all due respect to Gen.Wesley K. Clark (I have read all his books, read enough on his biography and his ascent to the top post NATO SACEUR) the man has a blind spot and couldn't smell his own hypocrisy based on the fact that he's the one person really responsible for pushing the bombing of Serbia in the Kosovo War. He (Clark) was so convinced that Kosovar Albanians was getting genocided by the Serbs during their anti-terrorist operations against the KLA elements and the fact that former Serbian Pressient Slobodan Milosevic demeanor and ascerbic attitude when describing the terrorists certainly didn't help his image that when a set of bodies were found in the graveyard (forgot the name of the area it was discovered) Clark went on overdrive with the help of UN Secretary Madeline Albright in calling the discovery as evidenced of "ethnic cleansing" a.k.a. GENOCIDE.
Which made the whole anti Serbia and operation Allied Force possible. Russian impotence and weakness left Milosevic with no choice but to hunker down because what was asked of him by Clark and US vassals was beyond humiliation for a sovereign President of a sovereign country of Serbia.
Let's not forget that Gen.Clark has always been anti-Russia and there's a known infamous episode where he and his SACEUR Deputy Lt.Gen. Mike Short of the British Army got into a heated argument regarding the issue or situation of the Pristina Airport. Clark wanted Short to use NATO assets to block the incoming K-FOR Russian contingent that was arriving because Clark feared that the Russians arriving in the area may create a partition of sorts but Short fearing that following Clark's order would result in a provocative confrontation with the Russians preferred on a less confrontational approach. Clark became angry, accused Short of insubordination leaving Short his famous retort "I won't start WWIII for you" and besides I have already sought and been granted the approval from the British Chief of Defense which left Clark dumbfounded and only to then realize that his own U.S. military Chain of command and his boss Chaiman of the joint Chiefs, Gen.Hugh Shelton countermanded essentially countermanded his order leaving Clark embarrassed.
I don't want to side track this thread but Clark is hardly an objective analyst when it comes to Russia issue. The man is extraordinarily smart since he was always first in his class from academy to CGSC and National War College but the dude has some serious flaws that his unwilling and unable to rectify.