Ukrainian War Developments

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Just ‘cause we disagree doesn’t mean you’re correct! I neither seek, nor do I need consensus!
It's a basically a fact that Russia hasn't been fully commiting their forces, and even by now despite uh, not that clear information, it isn't hard to spot the fact that they been holding back with attack military targets around civilian areas (although that seems like it will change).


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Free markets win again. If Russia hadn't insisted on protectionism and instead bought Chinese drones (like many countries have done), they wouldn't be in such a mess
Agreed. Russia is a laggard in UAV technology. Russia has recon drones, but lack up to date UCAVs. Their Orion UAV that only recently entered service in 2020 is roughly comparable to the MQ1 Predator.

Heavier UCAVs like the Wing Loong 2 would have been able to do many of the minor CAS, and air interdiction operations in Ukraine. These would have been able to recon for hours, attack Ukrainian artillery positions, and attack targets of opportunity. UCAVs do have a fear factor, as we have seen in the Nagorno-Karabakh War. These drones can also force the Ukrainians use MANPADS against them, instead of Russian manned aircraft.

Russia should have been more open to importing some Chinese drones to fill up their glaring gap in UCAV. Instead, Russia chose to go local, and the gap was never addressed until this war started. Hubris can become costly in war.


Russians have some minor set back. Casualties around 500 deaths from British intel. Took Kyiv airport with special forces and withstand an all out counterattack from the Ukrainians without significant casualties which is pretty impressive. Took around 36 hours to reach outskirts of Kyiv, another impressive performance.

Americans are saying the Russians are behind schedule but which wars and operations are on schedule. Wars are not video game. There are always set back and plan B, C, D and E to fall back to. Another thing is last night, it is clearly probing attacks. There are nothing for Ukrainians to brag about.


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A lot of the Twitter posts here are even repeated from yesterday. I can tells me I don't even go on twitter that much. Tons of comments on how this is taking longer than Russia expects. Do they know what Russia expected? Maybe Russia expected a 2 week conflict and they are moving much faster? I don't think any of us arm chair analysts actually know Russia's real plan or their logistics. I just see tons of "Ukrainian winning" stories but where are the Russian prisoners? Put them on camera!

There's a recent Moscow interview on official media which mentions a 2 week campaign.

Plus back in 2014, Putin publicly said he could take Kiev in 2 weeks. See below.
Given the buildup of Ukraine's military since 2014, it's unlikely this timeframe has gotten any shorter.

And if a Blitzkrieg averages 22km per day (as in Baghdad below), then a minimum of 2 weeks could be expected.

Copy and paste

"there is confirmed Russian takeovers in towns like Tokmak, with Russian troops spotted in both Berdyansk ( ) and as far as Osipenko which is very close to Mariupol. By roadways measurement, this is a whopping 250km from Crimea, which in about 2.5 days of operations so far averages to roughly 100km a day advance, which is unprecedented in history. I outlined in an earlier post that the famed German Blitzkrieg at its fastest reached 50km per day, averaging more realistically 9km over the course of operation. American blitz on Bagdad in 2003 averaged 22km per day, taking 3 weeks to cover 400km+ to cap Bagdad. So 250km for Russian thrust in 2.5 days is quite a remarkable operational success."
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