Ukrainian War Developments

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The truth is always somewhere in between. We just have to wait for the dust to settle to know who was right.

Totally agree. The studies of what happened in Ukraine are going to be fascinating to read. The writers' prose are going to be dry as the Empty Quarter though.

One thing for sure. Defiencies in the Russian military, particular the RuAF, have been exposed. They need more PGM ammunition and better surveillance--drones. So many lessons to take in the conflict.

My opinion, worth as much as you paid for it:

The Russians don't have air superiority. I am actually extremely shocked by this.

The Russians have SIGNIFICANT logistical problems that will only get worse. Units running out of gas on day three? uuuuhhhh.

The Russian heavy armor still appears to be have not reached Kiev proper. Why?

The Ukrainians are still doing better than I would have thought. I legitimately thought the Russians would have stormed Kiev yesterday. Maybe not taken it, but had occupied important pieces of it.

Despite all that, the Russians are still winning. I give them a 95% chance of doing so. Each day the Russians take longer, the percentage ticks down, IMO, a little less likely to win. Like *A* percent per day.


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One of the reasons why the First Chechen War delivered a bloody nose to the Russian military is conscription. That led to the Russian military utilizing kontraktniki (contract soldiers) during the Second Chechen War. I highly doubt that the Russian military still uses battalions of conscripts in the modern era, especially when they are fighting in foreign territory.


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And how many such taiwanese do you know? How does kmt still get elected if taiwanese public are all brain washed like you say?

Have you ever been to hk and Taipei? If you have them how can you possibly make the argument hk is more like mainland than Taiwan?
The question can be equally applied to you. Have you been to Hong Kong and Taiwan and know enough Taiwanese folks for you to be fully confident with your opinion regarding this matter?

There's been enough polling done by Western firms showing the tilt of Taiwanese, especially the younger ones who firmly associate/orient themselves to the west (America). So as a responsible, prudent, and realist leaders in the PRC can't and must not pin their assumptions on false hope that the conditions in Taiwan - Mainland relationship will not further deteriorate to the point of no return. Wrongly assuming that America will never ever infringe or break their written agreed pledge with China regardinf Taiwan over some made up/hype up b.s. narrative that can be used to persuade/order it's allies to essentially attack China’s red line. When that time comes, then what?


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One of the reasons why the First Chechen War delivered a bloody nose to the Russian military is conscription. That led to the Russian military utilizing kontraktniki (contract soldiers) during the Second Chechen War. I highly doubt that the Russian military still uses battalions of conscripts in the modern era, especially when they are fighting in foreign territory.

They still use conscripts. Conscription happens every year still. I have a Russian employee who has to go back due to a grandfather being on his deathbed. He is still in his 20s and has been checking if he will be called back up if he returns. We are both concerned.
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