Ukrainian War Developments

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The true strategic goal of the military is to keep the future competitions confined to the political, economic and diplomatic spheres. I did not say to forget or neglect the military. The past transgressions occured due to the belief that the cost of a military solution to conflicts with China was of an acceptable cost. I am not advocating pacifism! I am advocating that the military must possess the moral high ground in order maintain the morale and commitment of the soldiers should a military conflict come to pass. Soldiers must believe in the cause that they are to die for. The government MUST give a genuine attempt at diplomacy and peace before a military conflict. Both the Second Sino-Japanese war and Korea war were preceeded by major and genuine attempts at diplomacy and compromise.
As the sole superpower in the world, the US would do anything to maintain its status. China is the only country that is capable of challenging the US domination in both economic and military in the last century. China is a threat to the US and its Anglosphere world order.

US didn't invade China not because it didn't want to but it can't. What happened in HK a couple years ago have shown us that China would always be the aggressor. Xi outsmarted the US by not sending in paramilitary instead Xi relies upon the Hong Kong police force and impose NSL a year later to achieve a total victory against the US and Taiwan color revolution. If Xi didn't outsmart them, you would have seemed sanctions and the EU and Japan ganging up with the US against China like you see what they are going to do against Russia.

The US has not installed missiles in Taiwan but it is attempting to install more missiles in Japan, SK and Philippines. So the question is should China wait until the US got China all surrounded and cornered before making its move or took actions like Mao did in the Korean War and fought the US in Korea and bought China 70 years of peace.

I am not justified what Russia did and not saying Russia is not acting aggressively. I am telling that Russia is backed into a corner. Russia doesn't have as many options as China has and Russia sees military action is the only viable action for them to maintain their national security.

Let just say, Zelenskyy wass elected to find peace but instead he got Ukraine into a unwinnable war. He should be the one that be blamed for this mess.
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