@Phead128 Hua Chunying basically answered all those questions about China-Russia relations that you guys were arguing about.
Hua Chunying unloading venom on U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price, who said that China should respect the principle of sovereignty and has an obligation to urge Russia to back down the Ukraine issue.
Hua Chunying brings up the shameful history of US wars stretching back hundreds of years. Ouch!
She did a great job, I'd give her A+.
She strongly emphasized that China upholds international law, principles, and sovereignty, and struck a perfect balance of avoiding US trap of openly berating Russian imperialistic actions, but also condemn US double-standards and hypocrisy on international law. So overall neutral, with more anti-US flavor and passive Russia support.
Chinese FM Wang Yi and Chinese UN Ambassador Zhang Jun repeatedly stated that the 'sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations should be respected. ',
Yet, US expecting China to berate Russia publicly and do it's dirty bidding in order to diplomatically isolate Russia, while same time US declaring China as a primary enemy. That is true insulting to Chinese intelligence. Gotta slap these US imperialists so they know their place.
Who is saying to discard Russia? China can privately support Russia economically, privately acknowledge Russian actions as imperialistic, and publically stay neutral. China definitely should openly accuse US of imperialism too. These are not mutually exclusive, but some hardcore Russian apologist interpret any private acknowledgment of Russian actions as imperialistic as "pro-US, anti-Russia" propaganda and start calling people as shills.China owe Russia a debt of gratitude for helping her during the WWII when everybody else abandoned her. So it is immoral and unprincipled to discard Russia in time of need.
Nobody says China should openly criticize Russia on the world stage. I'm saying China should be publicly be politically neutral at UNSC while covertly economically supporting Russia, while privately acknowledging that it's actions are imperialistic. Problem?but I say there is simply no need to criticize Russia at all.
What I am saying is, some hardcore Russian apologists on this forum consider merely privately 'acknowledging' Russian actions as imperialism as 'criticism of Russia' and 'pro-US shill', whereas that is more reflections of their insecurities and oversensitive to reality of Russia' brazen actions. Their insecurities lead them to call others "pro-US shills" for merely privately acknowledging reality, which is dangerous.
I'm more fighting against the hardcore Russian apologists who say Russia can do no evil, it's purely 100% defensive, and any private acknowledge of Russian actions as imperialism is "pro-US narrative". If you can't privately acknowledge reality, you have no basis of forming good decision-making.
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