Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
you do know what total war mean right? for them its winning or death. imagine your country getting invaded and they invader want to actively take down a government that was democratically elected. if you are in that position it doesn't matter if u support the president or not. a prat of your freedom is being taken away. if u understand this then all this make sense
So you chose melting crater over change of politics ? Do you have children ?


Registered Member
That doesn't sound as bad. I still preferred the earlier statement, and to say as little as possible apart from calling for peace.

US is going around the world trying to get countries to sanction and condemn Russia. They are largely failing apart from their puppet states. Saudi Arabia are refusing to help bring down oil prices. No sanctions from America's strongest ally Israel, who are publically worried about how American sanctions on Russia will affect them (LOL). Turkey refusing to close off the Black sea. Germany is refusing to remove Russia from SWIFT, though I think they will be persuaded.

Ukraine have deployed grad launchers in civilian areas. Will the US condemn them like it does to Hamas for doing the exact same thing?

Videos of Ukrainian tanks running over civilian cars by accident in Kiev. Social media is making the situation worse in Kiev by telling everyone that the Polish border is open. Civilians need to be indoors and out of the way.
Well they are arming the civilian and asking them to shot molotov on tanks... why not crushing them and making them artillery target?


Registered Member
RIA Novosti report on telephone call between President Putin and President Xi Jinping

Google translate below


Putin and Xi Jinping had a telephone conversation

President Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping discussed the situation in Ukraine by phone

BEIJING, February 25 - RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping had a telephone conversation on Friday, following which the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced the readiness of the Russian leader for negotiations with Kiev.
"Russia is ready to negotiate with Ukraine at a high level," the ministry quoted the president as saying.

It is noted that Putin outlined the history of the Ukrainian issue to his Chinese counterpart, and also informed about the situation with the course of the special operation.

According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Putin also said that the US and NATO have long ignored Russia's legitimate security concerns, repeatedly violated their obligations and continued to expand the alliance to the east

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Junior Member
So you chose melting crater over change of politic
i am saying that's how they are thinking. my opinion is a bit mute but if u want it, i personally sympathized Putin and Russia. until he did the speech and said he wanted to bring back the Russian empire like before the soviet broke the country with ethnicity. therefore Baltic states will be next. in same speech he also kind of bash Lenin for breaking it in the first place.
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