Ukrainian War Developments

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Wonder how many times they can fire off flares? Can they land and easily stick in more canisters?


Registered Member
Wonder how many times they can fire off flares? Can they land and easily stick in more canisters?
How many time they can fire missiles is a thing too. But sure that they will need flare at this rate. They have probably compatible ones at Ukrainian military airports... They use possibly most of the same.


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In my opinion,

The war seems to me as if it will last longer than many of us; including the Russian military; expected with the Ukrainians finally making a significant effort to contest Russian advances. Most notable are efforts of the Ukrainian military to secure previously captured cities such as Schastia. However what we are seeing is the separation of the wheat from the chaff, the initial shock of the conflict and the adversity faced by the Ukrainian peoples will determine who will stay and fight and who will flee the country, eventually the wheat will be separated from the chaff and once they are able to reorganize themselves accordingly [assuming the Russian advanced becomes hindered by resistance] we may see a conflict that lasts anywhere from a week to a month with pockets of resistance and holdouts throughout occupied territory. This can already be seen in practice in places such as Sumy and Chernigiv where Russian and DPR/LNR forces have taken significant losses from Ukrainian resistance that has been able to mount a cohesive defense of those regions; especially when compared to the south of Ukraine where Ukrainian forces where unable to organize into a cohesive fighting force and were subsequently steamed rolled by Russian forces.

It is true that the vast majority of the Ukrainian government and military are cowards and have chosen to abandon their posts but there will be a persistence of committed die hard hold-outs and CIA backed and trained insurgents that will cause issues in the region far into the foreseeable future.

So far we can calculate Russian forces have lost the following based on available information and videos


▪️3 Confirmed Ka52/Ka50



▪️3-4 Mi8s [Lost to MANPADs]

▪️Several Dozen Armored Vehicles and Logistics Vehicles

▪️15-20 T72B3

▪️Unknown amount of T80

▪️Between 100-200 Dead

▪️At least a dozen captured

Ukraine on the other hand has lost the vast majority of their Air-force, Air-Defense force as-well as it’s navy, however based on events today we can summarize that they have a few operational coastal missile batteries, at least two active air defense batteries [several kalibr missiles were intercepted earlier in the day] and some air elements persist however it is unlikely that they will last for much longer.

It is likely that we will see the war turn into an asymmetrical nightmare not too much different from previous conflicts we’ve seen, and with the west’s “commitment to defending the freedom of the Ukrainian people” I’m sure that there will be problems for years to come. This of course is all speculation and we will have to see what happens, however Russia very much holds all the cards.


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Following a bunch of international news channels (Euronews, AL Jazeera, CGTN, RT live) to get as many different views and perspectives from this Russian operation/invasion of Ukraine. One of the discussions that I just finished watching on France 24 English was a discussion about the energy sector/price or crude oil nearing $100 barrel. One of the guest was a fellow from Saudi Arabia (Salman AL-ANSARI, President of SAPRAC) was asked about his views on the current situation and where does Saudi Arabia stand on this Russia situation.

The Arab guy first placed a disclaimer that he was speaking as a citizen of KSA and not speaking on behalf or of the KSA gov't. He then proceeded to lay blame the violence of the situation at the feet of both parties (Russia, Ukraine) but said that Ukraine was left to ignore the Minsk agreement without any strong push or assitance from the EU countries to which at this point, the host immediately interrupted the guest, sidestep the answer/issue just so he can segway another question which was if Saudi Arabia is prepared to help alleviate the energy crisis by pumping more oil since the U.S. will be releasing another set of strategic oil reserves to help offset the certainty of high gas prices at the pump. But the Arab analyst again went off script and basically called out the U.S. first by saying that wherever America needs help they seem to expect their supposed strategic allies like Saudi Arabia to answer their beck and call whenever, wherever, and to whomever even if they are used political tool to serve the political interests of America.

For example, America blamed KSA on climate change during the climate meeting only for Biden to call KSA a week later requesting for Saudi to pump more crude oil into the market. This is after Biden allegedly killed the U.S. shale industries with it's policy. He also mentioned the fact that this latest round of "special sanctions" will actually spare the NORDSTREAM 2 pipeline and that Germany will not sever itself from Russia invasion or no invasion. This response yet again illicited an immediate quick divergent from the host as to ensure the audience wouldn't start questioning the narrative being wrtitten by the western elites. That episode and narrative control was quite revealing to say the least.
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