My thoughts:
A very efficient campaign from Russia. A feigned attack from LPR/DPR, followed by an invasion via Crimea and Belarus against no opposition. No IEDs, no destruction of bridges, not even barricades (LOL). Ukraine was completely unprepared.
The most interesting aspect was the electronic warfare. Social media was bombarded with reports of heavy losses of Ukrainian soldiers, defections and general confusion. Some of it was true but a lot was propaganda to reduce morale in the Ukrainian army.
Unlike NATOs carpet bombing of Serbia, Iraq and Afghanistan, bombings so far seem to be very surgical with very little collateral damage.
No way does the regime leave Kiev. How will they escape? They are totally cut off. No martial law or curfew until it was too late, so the Ukrainian authorities have to deal with civilian unrest and flight as well. I hope this is over before it becomes a humanitarian crisis.
I don't think the Ukrainians have the bottle to keep this up much longer. I guess the Anglos didn't post enough Ukrainian flags on twitter.