Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I think this woman is a bit retarded. A no-fly zone implemented by NATO over Ukraine against Russia? Does she want an all out war against Russia? Or she thinks that the mighty of NATO is all everything?
Ukraine right now is de facto inside the Russian IADS bubble. It is blanketed with multiple radar systems. As well as S-400 air defense. The Russians have systems in Belarus, Crimea, and Russia proper. Their current air force was designed to fight inside such a setup. NATO has a lot more aircraft than Russia. But I think Russia could fight against non-US NATO forces and likely win. It would be close. If the US also came and bombed Russia they would be engaging a nuclear weapon state which has upgraded most of its nuclear weapons stockpile and delivery systems just the past decade. Russia has a policy where it can use nuclear weapons if the opponent delivers a conventional attack which threatens the integrity of the state, let alone a nuclear one. I also suspect if it came to be that Russia would be close to losing you would see China enter the war. Even if it was just delivering weapon systems. Think Korean War in reverse. The Russians would be the ground force and the Chinese the air force. China can't allow the Russian Air Force to collapse because if it does it can't engage all US and allied air forces in Asia alone. In that case the US would use a similar argument and also destroy China in a massive air bombardment campaign. They could claim genocide in Xinjiang or some other bullshit argument.

Biden better negotiate. Either NATO rolls back its presence in Europe substantially or it won't end here.

Russia isn't Serbia. If NATO does an air attack on Russia its airbases will be attacked and destroyed. Perhaps even with tactical nukes. You already saw the Kh-101, it has a cousin, the Kh-102. If NATO does an air attack NATO air bases will be struck.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
South Africa also voluntarily abandoned its nuclear weapons so that is incorrect. And the US paid for dismantling Ukrainian nuclear weapons and delivery systems after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They aren't interested in anyone else having them either. The US also infringed on the accords before Russia like I pointed out here before. These people just read the clauses in the accord, but didn't bother to see the article it references as the base document in the very first clause. It clearly states you can't destabilize another country by political, terrorist, or economic means. Not just military action. What do you think was Euromaidan? And the US still insisted and pulled the same stitch in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Hong Kong. This isn't just about Libya this is a direct attack on their own influence sphere and even their own territory with Chechnya and Xinjiang being clear cases of this.
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Registered Member
Ukraine right now is de facto inside the Russian IADS bubble. It is blanketed with multiple radar systems. As well as S-400 air defense. The Russians have systems in Belarus, Crimea, and Russia proper. Their current air force was designed to fight inside such a setup. NATO has a lot more aircraft than Russia. But I think Russia could fight against non-US NATO forces and likely win. It would be close. If the US also came and bombed Russia they would be engaging a nuclear weapon state which has upgraded most of its nuclear weapons stockpile and delivery systems just the past decade. Russia has a policy where it can use nuclear weapons if the opponent delivers a conventional attack which threatens the integrity of the state, let alone a nuclear one. I also suspect if it came to be that Russia would be close to losing you would see China enter the war. Even if it was just delivering weapon systems. Think Korean War in reverse. The Russians would be the ground force and the Chinese the air force. China can't allow the Russian Air Force to collapse because if it does it can't engage all US and allied air forces in Asia alone. In that case the US would use a similar argument and also destroy China in a massive air bombardment campaign. They could claim genocide in Xinjiang or some other bullshit argument.

Biden better negotiate. Either NATO rolls back its presence in Europe substantially or it won't end here.

Russia isn't Serbia. If NATO does an air attack on Russia its airbases will be attacked and destroyed. Perhaps even with tactical nukes. You already saw the Kh-101, it has a cousin, the Kh-102. If NATO does an air attack NATO air bases will be struck.
a lesson for some certain other places: you don't stand a chance if you start inside the other side's defensive IADS umbrella.
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