Ukrainian War Developments

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Sun Tzu said "When you surround an army, leave an outlet free".

Do not press a desperate foe too hard or they'll fight to the very end with all that's left, and with boosted morale. Instead, always leave a way out for your enemy to escape and their morale will drop while being busy escaping. You'll have easier victory over them.

*Update: Lviv air raid sirens just went off...urrgh.
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Lieutenant General
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Are 'Russian kinsmen' located at Kyiv airport they are assaulting?
Zelensky basically laughed the Russians out. He said his government wouldn't negotiate with LPR and DPR or accept the terms of Minsk accord.
Ukraine had many, many years to do this. Minsk I was in 2014 and Minsk II in 2015. Since then 14,000 people died in this conflict.
A couple hours ago Zelensky was even foolish enough to joke, like the clown he is, that Ukraine would get nuclear weapons.

Ever heard the expression "fear the wrath of a patient man"? Putin is quite patient.
They interpreted Putin's patience all these years as weakness. Damn fools.
Putin is the guy who was commander in chief during the Chechen conflict and the Georgian war.

Also, Kyiv airport is awfully far away from Donass and majority Russian speaking regions.
It is the center of power of those responsible for the continuation of hostilities. Just two days ago OSCE observers documented over 1.000 artillery shellings. The vast majority fired from Ukrainian side. Ukraine has Toschka-B ballistic missiles and BM-30 Smerch MLRS. With ranges of 120km and 70-90km respectively. The only way to ensure the cessation of bombardments is to detain the ones giving the orders and arrest all their long range weapons systems. Otherwise they would just keep at it again.

Seems like regime change to me! none of this 'defending kinsmen' BS my ass cheeks.
Did you hear the UN Security Council speech of the Russian delegate? He basically said the objective was the removal of the EuroMaidan regime from power. Only way conflict will cease.

My bet is Putin takes the entire country. Partially as a flex. Partially to increase the depth of the buffer. if he does not, he will leave a space for the 'nazis' to all go to. Better to let them flee to Poland and demonize the west than to leave some part of Ukraine.
There will be no Idlib region in Ukraine.

Zelensky: "Stay calm, stay at home, the army is doing its work"
Probably only decent thing he said in last two weeks. The clown.

If West can thrown NS2 into the gutter over independence, just imagine what is coming down the pipeline (no pun intended) for sanctions next....Hope Entirety of Ukraine is taken so these sanction hit will be worth it.
The more they insist the more Russia will escalate. I told you guys a couple days back if Russia did a mobilization order, that mobilization wasn't necessary to invade Ukraine. Any ideas the US has that this will be Afghanistan for Russia are moronic. Ukraine is as flat as a pool table. There aren't any 7,492m altitude mountain ranges here. Nor are there dozens of km long natural tunnels inside the mountains here. At worst it would be a city door-to-door close quarters fight. But Russia does not have any intent on doing that, the Ukrainians will likely do it themselves.

I really wasn’t expecting Belarus to actively participate. At this point, this is now an multi-national conflict
Belarus is part of the Union State. Plus after the US and EU sponsored coup attempt against Lukashenko he doesn't have much choice.
This situation is even more of an existential threat to him than Putin's Russia.

Considering China is the only major world power with decent relations with both Ukraine and Russia, what are the chances that China may be requested to moderate by both Kiev and Moscow? China technically has skin in the game with both sides with billions of investments and interests in both countries.
There will be no moderation. The time for that expired.

Eastern European members of NATO are invoking Article 4, which means urgent consultations on military plans for the alliance.
If NATO does not make any meaningful steps towards meeting Russia's concerns they might be next yes. They provided lethal aid to Ukraine. They have been a safe haven for neo-nazi Belarus agitators right on the Belarussian border. Remember that guy Belarus captured from his airplane while he was in midflight?
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Roman is a NED transplant. He was a well known neo-nazi with party affiliations who bragged online about being with the Azov Battalion on the Ukraine conflict and firing against those in the Donbas. Even posted pictures of himself online posing with Azov Batallion in full gear.


This is him visiting the US State Department in Washington in 2018.


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Reportedly Ukrainians soldiers in Kharkov.


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Russian strikes with cruise and ballistic missiles are completely paralyzing to Ukrainian defenses. The cruise missiles seem to have essentially stopped all Ukrainian air resistance. It looks like they're doing an amphibious invasion from Crimea to Odessa and also invading over ground.


Lieutenant General
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Wasn’t Medvedev in charge in Georgia? Or are we talking about who was really in charge? Lol
Putin was Prime Minister.

Russian strikes with cruise and ballistic missiles are completely paralyzing to Ukrainian defenses. The cruise missiles seem to have essentially stopped all Ukrainian air resistance. It looks like they're doing an amphibious invasion from Crimea to Odessa and also invading over ground.
Russia has stealth Kh-101 cruise missiles which can obliterate targets covered with Soviet era missile defenses like the S-300 Ukraine has.
They were mass produced and ordered in large numbers several years back.


The other weapons seem to be MLRS. Probably the latest type which has GLONASS guidance.
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It has 200km range and 1m accuracy. About double the range of the older Soviet era MLRS Ukraine has.
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