Ukrainian War Developments

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Well if you live next to an elephant you better not provoke the elephant or worse poke him. He will roll over you. And that is the lesson Ukraine failed to heed. Compromise my friend is the key
Makes you think about the nature of democracy… if a ballot was “Want to get caught up in a war?”, who is ticking “Yes”?

BTW where is this guy now?View attachment 83391
Is that the Ukrainian bride service guy? If so, the answer is probably “hard at work right now”.


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The most promising path for Russia lies with the development and strengthening of ties with China. A partnership with Beijing would multiply the potential of both countries many times over. If the West carries on with its bitterly hostile policies, it wouldn't be unreasonable to consider a temporary five-year defense alliance with China. Naturally, one should also be careful not to get ‘dizzy with success’ on the China track, so as not to return to the medieval model of China’s Middle Kingdom, which grew by turning its neighbors into vassals. We should help Beijing wherever we can to keep it from suffering even a momentary defeat in the new Cold War unleashed by the West. That defeat would weaken us, too. Besides, we know all too well what the West transforms into when it thinks it is winning. It took some harsh remedies to treat America’s hangover after it got drunk with power in the 1990s."

It looks like the history of the 21st century, and potentially the 22nd century, is being written as we speak.


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This woman is asking about a no fly zone enforced by NATO over Ukraine. She's a Harvard researcher. This is... the best the US has to offer now?
Short of a total air war against Russia, the no fly zone is not going to do anything. Her assumption was that Russian aircraft will not shoot at NATO planes and Russia will just...pull out without a fight. What if the Russians do not recognize the no fly zone? NATO vs RU air war to enforce a no fly zone?
Case in point, Syria.

reservior dogs

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Social media restricts freedom of action and provides information to foreign adversaries. A total media blackout would've been the best case for Russia. Ukrainian fiber optics links to the external world heading west are secured from Russian forces.

Certain islands are unlikely to share that benefit. Their communications will rapidly be cut in a conflict and there will be a total media blackout.


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Agreed. If I was American, I'd be furious at my government right now. What's the point of having a trillion dollar a year military if you aren't going to use it?

The only countries America actually fights are poor third world countries. You can do that with a European style low spending military.
Nukes, [cough], nukes. Damn nukes complicate everything.


Lieutenant General
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I read that cooky shit of an article by Karaganov too @j17wang. I did not bother posting it here but I did post a link to a book which has not much different ideas. Even more radical. It was published a year before Putin came to power and was published around the time of the NATO intervention in Serbia. These guys, I think, are dangerous ideologues. Thus far those guys have always been in the background and kind of treated as pets and mostly ignored by the Russian government. The fact they are pushing this article out just shows how pissed off the Russians are.
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