Ukrainian War Developments

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If Russia has half as much money as the US to put in their military, it would mean that their economy is at least 5 to 8 times that of today. Once that's true. I am pretty sure they don't even have to go to war with Ukraine. They would have enough economic cake to make Russia-Ukraine strategic relation profitable enough for Ukraine that Ukraine won't stay so poor. Once both Ukraine and Russia are both rich and have very good growth, the Ukrainians won't be so desperate to join EU, and Russians won't really be as intimated by the EU as they have been.
"Once that's true. I am pretty sure they don't even have to go to war with Ukraine."

You act as though Russia's invading Ukraine was supposed to be good for Russia's economy.
While I doubt that Russia's economy will collapse completely (as many Westerners hope), it should be
clear that Russia's economy will suffer for the foreseeable future.

I would add that Russia does not have enough money to bribe most Ukrainians into pretending they are really Russians.


Registered Member
Very little loss of Russian lives and equipment.
We always forget that the vision of NATO on little loss and the vision of Russia on little loss are probably different. Losing tens of thousand is probably a little loss for Russia. Old T-72 and APC loss is irrelevant too, they were on the road of replacement anyway and they have fields of them from Soviet times. Cannot quantify something easily when we don't measure things the same way.

Russian will have a bleedy nose but will still win if they continue the war.


Registered Member
Hundreds of thousands of Russians were willing to fight on the side of Hitler against the USSR.
Why do you apparently act as though it's unbelievable that hundreds of Russians may be willing to fight for Ukraine?
WW2 USSR had mass conscription with millions of untrained soldiers. The Russian army today in Ukraine is a professional (i.e. volunteer) army. Russian soldiers were kept in camps for some time, they weren't inducted into a "Free Russia" army days/weeks after being captured. And Putin isn't exactly Stalin.

I'm willing to bet these guys will never be allowed anywhere near a weapon any time soon.


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The artillery of Russia and the Servicemen of the People's Militia began to use propaganda shells in Mariupol at the Azovstal combine. 122-mm propaganda shells 1AZH instead of the warhead are filled with passes and leaflets for the voluntary surrender of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Propaganda leaflets are placed in steel half-cylinders of shells.

The S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed by the strikes of high-precision weapons of Russia. The coordinates of the location of the S-300 air defense system of Ukraine were established with the help of electronic intelligence

Slovak media reported that Slovakia handed over to Ukraine as a military aid its only division of the Soviet-made S-300PMU anti-aircraft missile system. The transfer of the S-300PMU SAM occurred on the condition that the Western Allies would supply new air defense systems as compensation. According to media reports, instead of the C-300s that have left Ukraine, American Patriot air defense systems will take over combat duty in Slovakia.

The United States announced the supply of new Switchblade kamikaze drones to Ukraine. Despite the jubilation that has gripped individual representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian air defense, which was confirmed by the practice of special operations in Ukraine, confidently strikes the UAV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Switchblade drone is available in two versions, anti-personnel and anti-tank.


Jingle Bells

Junior Member
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"Of course, I am Asiatic Chinese mongoloid barbarian, my words aren't worth a hundredth of that of a noble, civilized Aryan superhuman."
--Jingle Bells

Your abysmal ignorance and racial prejudice are coming out.
Would you look down on Ruth Felicitas Weiss, aka Wèi Lùshī 魏璐诗 ?

She was born in Vienna in 1908 and moved to Shanghai in 1933, where she worked as a journalist and a teacher.
She married a Chinese engineer, with whom she had two children. After the Second World War, the family moved to
the USA in order for her husband to study at MIT. In 1949, the couple separated and got divorced because he
(who was born and bred in China) wanted to make his career in the USA whereas she (who grew up in Austria) wanted
to help build a new China. So he (looking Chinese!) stayed in the USA, and she returned with her two children to China.
She became a Chinese citizen. She died in Beijing in 2006.

So would you judge Ruth Weiss by how she looked or where she was born rather than by what she did for China?
I was just being sarcastic. lol
Please don't be offended by mere sarcasm.

By the way, why would you even think that I am looking down upon Ruth Weiss? I simply can't understand your logic.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
I didn't say money can solve all problems.
But will you honestly think that if the Russians has 10 times their current economy and is able to put 10 times more money into their military as they have now for the last 20 decades, they will perform as badly as they are right now?
Again, spoken like the nouveau riche.

If Russia were somehow able to get a economy 10 times its current size and invest 10 times into its military without fixing its structural social and economic issues, no doubt her military will be stronger than it is now. But no doubt it will not be nearly as strong in actual combat as those of many others who invested a lesser amount.

If Russia has half as much money as the US to put in their military, it would mean that their economy is at least 5 to 8 times that of today. Once that's true. I am pretty sure they don't even have to go to war with Ukraine. They would have enough economic cake to make Russia-Ukraine strategic relation profitable enough for Ukraine that Ukraine won't stay so poor. Once both Ukraine and Russia are both rich and have very good growth, the Ukrainians won't be so desperate to join EU, and Russians won't really be as intimated by the EU as they have been.

Poverty is the greatest evil of all. You only put names on top of poverty like:
- evil,
- expansionist,
- barbaric,
- imperial desires,
- aggression,
- inhumane,
- immoral,
- backward,
- chauvinist,
- communist-fascist-nazi,
- beastly orcs
- misogynistic,
- "Scratch at the Russian and underneath you will see the Tatar"


Of course, I am an Asiatic Chinese mongoloid barbarian, my words aren't worth a hundredth of that of a noble, civilized Aryan superhuman, not worth a thousandth if said Aryan superhuman is blond-haired-blue-eyed.

No, it’s not. Poverty is not an evil, it is a symptom of many possibly evils. It is entirely possible to make someone appear to have gotten richer for a while without addressing the underlying evil that made them poor once and will make them poor again.
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Registered Member
If Russia has half as much money as the US to put in their military, it would mean that their economy is at least 5 to 8 times that of today. Once that's true. I am pretty sure they don't even have to go to war with Ukraine. They would have enough economic cake to make Russia-Ukraine strategic relation profitable enough for Ukraine that Ukraine won't stay so poor. Once both Ukraine and Russia are both rich and have very good growth, the Ukrainians won't be so desperate to join EU, and Russians won't really be as intimated by the EU as they have been.

Poverty is the greatest evil of all. You only put names on top of poverty like:
- evil,
- expansionist,
- barbaric,
- imperial desires,
- aggression,
- inhumane,
- immoral,
- backward,
- chauvinist,
- communist-fascist-nazi,
- beastly orcs
- misogynistic,
- "Scratch at the Russian and underneath you will see the Tatar"


Of course, I am an Asiatic Chinese mongoloid barbarian, my words aren't worth a hundredth of that of a noble, civilized Aryan superhuman, not worth a thousandth if said Aryan superhuman is blond-haired-blue-eyed.
Russia is hardly poor though. Just their income from oil and gas alone is Saudi Arabia level. Obviously they have more population, but the military spending is about the same.

America is rich (soon to be was), and they've started more wars than everyone else.


New Member
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Not at all, I was saying that if Russia had the money all alone, they won't even be in this situation now. I was talking about a possible reality at least 10 years ago.

My point was to show the significance of money. Money is always always very important. If Russia's economy is at least 5 time that of now, meaning if Russia's per capita economy was on par with EU, Russians would NEVER have any kind of fear or concern about the EU any ways. EU and Russia will both be pretty willing to let Russia and other former USSR states to join the EU, and only party opposing would be the USA. Countries like Ukraine and Belarus will also be pretty rich, simply by having good relations with Russia.

The biggest cause of Euro-Maidan is not Ukrainians just somehow hating on Russians with unreasonable prejudice. It is mainly because they DON'T see a rich and bright future with Russia. Russia herself was poor and lacking in development and economic competitiveness back in the 2010 to 2014, why should Ukrainians forfeit a chance to integrate with EU for a better future?

at the 2010-2014 time frame, Russia was benefiting and earning income from the EU, and at the same time, opposing Ukrainian getting closer to EU. That was a pretty asshole move. This is a Ukrainian perspective that I can't really argue against. The Russians are saying "West bad, NATO bad, EU bad" to Ukraine, all the while they are pumping billions worth of natural gas to their supposed "biggest enemy". And what can Ukraine gain from this? Nothing! Because if they could, they would have had enough growth to at least catch up to Russia per capita GDP level.
You forgetting the cause of it all. The final piece is China, Russia and their enormous natural resources is the cherry on top of the cake, this war was going to happen whatever position Ukraine took. Is the fight of USA to keep as the only hegemonic power.

Jingle Bells

Junior Member
Registered Member
Again, spoken like the

No, it’s not. Poverty is not an evil, it is a symptom of many possibly evils. It is entirely possible to make someone appear to have gotten richer for a while without addressing the underlying evil that made them poor once and will make them poor again.
Poverty is the evil, everything else are the symptoms of this evil.
By the way, I was not talking about "someone", I was talking about Russia as a country.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Poverty is the evil, everything else are the symptoms of this evil.
By the way, I was not talking about "someone", I was talking about Russia as a country.
You have it backwards. The fact that starting from the same place, some can get rich while others remain poor shows poverty is not the cause but the effect. The fact that the effect can Itself also cause many further bad things does not make the effect the root cause.
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