Ukrainian War Developments

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I told you as much. The whole US argument was retarded. Russia is a major weapons exporter nation and a major food exporter. So why would they be asking for rations or military hardware from China? Stupid beyond belief. And China did well to state they would not stop military cooperation with Russia regardless of what the US said.
The stupid part of that is that they are acting like the war is over and it already worked.

If I was Xi I'd send weapons just to make a point.


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He is already factually wrong but saying the Russian army deployed in Ukraine is larger than the Ukrainian one.
Justin Bronk has a long history of anti-Russian articles.
He specialises in "hit" articles against Russian aircraft in particular.
His "analysis" are often riddled with errors too, and often seem gleaned from online blogs and forums.

I haven't bothered to read an article of his for a long while now.

Bill Blazo

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This making me sad to those who actually propagating the news and oblivious to the fact that there is so called "information war".

I have seen people willingly sacrifice their thought capacity and letting themselves be the channel for propaganda. Their cope when argued against is that "I know, i just want Ukrainian or Russian victory".

Poland wont provide free MiG's without replacement so does with Slovakia. so Why people willing to trade their thought capacity and letting themselves be the channel for infowars is mindboggling.
Yeah this is absolutely right. There's a massive information and propaganda war being waged especially by Ukraine and the West. It's gotten so bad that they're now worse than the Russians. Just yesterday, the deposed former mayor of Mariupol claimed that the Russians are burning dead civilian bodies in "mobile crematoria," and pro-Ukrainian accounts on Twitter started posting photos supposedly showing these vehicles. In reality, they were just recycling a photo from 2013 showing a waste disposal truck. That same photo has been used in different situations over the years to argue that someone somewhere is doing something horrible. But this is what it has come to: the overwhelming and organized production of propaganda to shape global public opinion and increase the economic and military pressure on Russia. And the West is definitely winning this part of the war. Public OSINT accounts on Twitter are also terrible at propagating disinformation. Most of what they post is just calculated BS to get more likes. It makes it very difficult to even know the basics of what's happening in this war.


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The stupid part of that is that they are acting like the war is over and it already worked.

If I was Xi I'd send weapons just to make a point.
They should be sending components and materials to Russia in order to help speed up production of weapons, instead of sending the full thing to avoid the narrative that they are sending them weapons, and like other said here, it won't make any sense for Russia to be using Chinese weapons, because they aren't trained with it. China could setup a manufacturing plant and Russia providing the blueprints for what parts to make. Since all the parts are made then sent to Russia, they only have to assemble them for use.


Registered Member
Justin Bronk has a long history of anti-Russian articles.
He specialises in "hit" articles against Russian aircraft in particular.
His "analysis" are often riddled with errors too, and often seem gleaned from online blogs and forums.

I haven't bothered to read an article of his for a long while now.
So what you're saying is: Justin Bronk = Ukraine stronk?


Registered Member
This making me sad to those who actually propagating the news and oblivious to the fact that there is so called "information war".

I have seen people willingly sacrifice their thought capacity and letting themselves be the channel for propaganda. Their cope when argued against is that "I know, i just want Ukrainian or Russian victory".

Poland wont provide free MiG's without replacement so does with Slovakia. so Why people willing to trade their thought capacity and letting themselves be the channel for infowars is mindboggling.
Media and governments for the past 30 years, after the stablishment of the neoliberal order, have turned the foreing policy discourse into football hooliganism.

It is good guys vs bad guys, us vs them, my team vs their team, which has made it easier for people to just switch their brains off and any attempt at nuance is met with derision and repeating the brochure put forth by State Dept or whatever it is the britisih equivalent.


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Nobody believes in the Russians as liberators anymore.

Nobody believes the Lies regurgitated by the west anymore. Russia will continue its liberation of occupied Russian territories until the Ukro Nazi occupiers are kicked out from Russian territory that they have been illegally occupying since 1991. All sort of Atlanticist whining won't change Russia's momentum to victory. Russia will swallow up all of Europe and then proceed to liberate all of North America on behalf of the natives that have been subjected to brutal Genocide by the Anglo invaders.


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The next
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is upon us. Nobody believes in the Russians as liberators anymore. The Russians act as occupiers and conquerors. And that definitely violates international law.

We'll see how the villages that are now being hit by hostilities fare.

The next Holodomor. With how out-to-lunch this sounds, i can't really tell if your joking, being sarcastic, or are just wildly brainwashed. I really hope it's just the last part.

The villages Russians are in, are literally gone. Just gone. The people, nobody heard from there in 7 weeks. I fear what the info-porn production centers have been pumping out day and night, may have a drip of validity.
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