Ukrainian War Developments

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it's highly unlikely it will be over any where near 2 months from now, IMO the real war has yet to begin.
Russia is not looking to take just the east, they want the whole of Ukraine however they need more soldiers for that. Apparently Russia will draft an extra 130k soldiers, these conscripts will need few months of training, however they will not be deployed to Ukraine but instead they will help free up an equal number of professional soldiers, this will help double the forces in Ukraine, IMO the war will last at least another 7 months and probably more.
So likely those conscripts will be used to secure the captured territories during the muddy season, while the professional units will be freed to do other operations. Sounds like a good plan, I wonder how long does it take for a conscript to be able to operate an air-defense system. I also agree with the sentiment that the real war has yet to begin, we haven't seen the full extent of Russia's air force and their other capabilities yet, and we may see them used for operations maybe Phases 2 and above.

obj 705A

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Besides Oryx figure
This seems "pretty" believeable, tho i think the Russian losses probably only lost half or even less than half of the losses that was shown
View attachment 86606
No offense but if you in any way believe in these figures (of Russian losses) even if you say it is half or less than half then you might as well believe in the tooth fairy.
"150 aircrafts" "134 helicopters" these are from the Ukrainian defence ministry, using them as a source is like using Baghdad bob as a source during 2003 .


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IMO negotiations or a ceasefire is no longer a possibility. It’s all or nothing at this point. Regardless of the truth over Bucha incident since the US for whatever reason hasn’t concluded who did it yet either.

There is no political capital left for Zelensky to give any ground due to Bucha and Russia abandoning the Northern Regions. Neither can Russia afford any political capital to settle the issue after these events.

At the start of the war I had hope that China may be able to act as a mediator to negotiate a peace talk, now I think China won't touch this mess with a 10 feet pole..... Both sides are entrenched now, Russia will fight till they get their minimal win, Ukraine will fight until they can't


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So there is a report that Ukrainian forces are 20 km from Kherson ? I wonder. and there is other report that said Russia may pull out.

Kinda hard to believe, as Russia are said to set a new administration there. If the city fall back to Ukraine or abandoned, the city's inhabitatans may suffer reprisal or some of them would suffer reprisal for being considered "Pro Russians"
I think the Ukrainian forces have been within 20km of Kherson for weeks because that is where the Russian south west push stopped


Junior Member
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Besides Oryx figure
This seems "pretty" believeable, tho i think the Russian losses probably only lost half or even less than half of the losses that was shown
View attachment 86606
it's highly unlikely it will be over any where near 2 months from now, IMO the real war has yet to begin.
Russia is not looking to take just the east, they want the whole of Ukraine however they need more soldiers for that. Apparently Russia will draft an extra 130k soldiers, these conscripts will need few months of training, however they will not be deployed to Ukraine but instead they will help free up an equal number of professional soldiers, this will help double the forces in Ukraine, IMO the war will last at least another 7 months and probably more.
You could be right .I guess the strategy now has been taking out Ukrainian heavy weapons and ability to move troops .Look at the losses above and once the main offensive begins, it will be a bad for the Ukranian army since the West cant replace the losses fast enough .
We are talking about an army whose offensive capability has been taken out.
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