Ukrainian War Developments

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Seemingly confirming the obvious, it seems that the French are in Mariupol helping the Azov Nazis there that they Macron is going to be in some deep shit if the truth really got out. Well sooner or later the truth will come out and the tide will truly turn, in that European leadership is overrun by Neo con Nazi supporters from the USA and the only way the situation can change is if these people are throw out of power. Well let’s see if the people of Europe will tolerate their love ones going hungry and freezing because the government in power are heartless scum bags caring more about themselves. Maybe another French Revolution would help because the French have been protesting for years without results and Macron is making more and more mistakes seemingly without a care in the world


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Motor Sich is the only tangible issue on that list of grievances.
Do you really fantasize that Hong Kong's protesters were significantly influenced by anything from Ukraine?

Many countries have criticized China's policies in Xinjiang. Why should China get so oversensitive about Ukraine joining them?
To be realistic, China should expect and accept some level of criticism. Ukraine has not been exceptionally anti-China.
China keeps doing business as usual with other countries that have criticized China much more loudly.
Whether a country is sufficiently anti China to warrant withholding support or not isn't up to you to decide. Nor is it up for you to decide which particular offenses Chinese people should dislike.


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The Russians now have an almost straight shot to Barvinkove. It's amazing to me that the Ukrainian military leadership looks at this map and doesn't immediately order a strategic withdrawal from the Donbas. Or at least, it seems confusing until you realize that this war has become very brutal, nasty, ideological, and even existential, with both sides seeing each other as a mortal threat to national sovereignty. The Ukrainians have decided on an uncompromising fight-to-the-death strategy, which sounds cool and heroic until you realize it will mean tens of thousands of additional dead civilians who will tragically get caught in the middle of it all. It takes two to tango. After the Luftwaffe destroyed Rotterdam in May 1940, they threatened to do the same to Utrecht and the city promptly surrendered, sparing its civilian population inevitable destruction. By contrast, the Ukrainians have chosen to fight a hopelessly lost position like Mariupol to the bitter end. Yeah it's the Russians destroying the city, but the Ukrainian military could have stopped it a long time ago by doing the rational thing and surrendering.
The Ukrainian line is dug in now and retreat isn't an option. If they pull back they'll be wiped out by artillery and the Russian air force. Or at least you'd expect them to.

I don't think all Ukrainian soldiers have a death wish, it's mainly the Nazi battalions. I do think there is a death cult mentality among a lot of Ukrainians, they remind me a lot of Falun Gong followers.
My impression is that the Chinese writers who want Russia to conquer all or most of Ukraine also want China to do more
to support Russia's war effort. These writers apparently want Russia to have access to Chinese arms for the war.
Why do you care? Do you think telling us all why China shouldn't help Russia is going to change CCP policy?


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Now that weapons are being handed out left & right, and Pandora's box of hatred has been opened, I fear for a prolonged period of white terror in Ukraine. Anyone who is believed to sympathize with Russia will be killed and mass graves will be the norm. I it was already starting to occur in Ukraine prior to war, hence Russia's rationale for intervention. But it just made it far worse. Russia really need to step up and do what is necessary to achieve its strategic goals as quickly as possible.


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Two Ukrainian civilians from Bucha; Volodoya and Igor; work to restore a stable internet connection to what remains of their office, reportedly they wish to get back to work as soon as possible.

This goes to show that for people like Volodoya and Igor there isn’t much opportunity for them to sustain themselves financially, despite the ongoing war, and without military service.


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Nothing unites a people than facing a invasion but in the end it won’t matter for Ukraine. They are going to lose this war. Russia will take the east and southern regions and form Novorussiya which will be a pro Russian state for Russian speakers. This will strengthen Ukrainian nationalism. Likely radicalize the populace to ultranationalism. There will be anger and bitterness between the two nations. Likely a cold peace will come from this. So there will be constant clashes and tensions. Even after the country is divided the western part of Ukraine will be hyper nationalistic and maybe even elect a far right wing govt on the hopes to get their lost territory back. The group that is ripe to join fascism after losing a war is the soldiers that fought and lost. These veterans are bitter, angry they lost the war. They’ve seen their friends died and seen intense fighting. So they will join right wing groups who will likely blame the political elites for surrendering. I don’t see how Russia will do de-nazification in the west. The neo nazis are strong in the west. Taking out the east, defeating the military will leave a political opening for them to take power. It’s very likely this won’t be the last Russia-Ukrainian war.
Remember that Russia fought 12 wars with Ottomans to secure Ukraine and the Caucasus. Russia will fight as many wars as necessary to re-acquire Ukraine, square kilometer by square kilometer if necessary. This is the consensus between all Russian nationalists from Putin to (America's favourite Soviet dissident) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. If Putin couldn't do it, the next guy (communist or monarchist) will try the same.


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More supplies and reinforcements have arrived in Melitopol from Crimea; previously several more armored trains have resupplied operational zone in the region, bringing much needed supplies to the front lines.

Additional armored trains operated by the Russian Railway Troops [Железнодорожные войска ВС России] have been seen in both Yekaterinburg and in the Moscow Region.



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