Ukrainian War Developments

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Russia winning for sure then. George Friedman said China was gonna collapse and believed Japan, Poland and Turkey to be potential superpowers so there you go.
how can Turkey, Japan, Poland are potential superpowers before Germany becoming a superpower first. these are leeches on German engineering for centuries.
There was some kind of attack on Turkish post in Idlib. the point is German media were intersted in finding out from what really happned directly not just random news item floating around. Germany keep an eye on Turkey military performance.
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Your sneering is noted. Are you one of the many writers here who apparently insist that either one must support
Russia's war on Ukraine or one must be supporting NATO and US imperialism everywhere in the world?
In reality, I support neither, though I expect some other writers here to keep putting words into my mouth.

Many, if not most, writers have shown that they greatly prefer their ideological fanaticism (which is overwhelmingly
pro-Russian or pro-Putin) or fierce tribal allegiances to accepting unwelcome facts on history, culture, or language.

Note that some writers here, who evidently speak neither any Russian nor Ukrainian, have ignorantly denied
that there's any difference between the Russian and Ukrainian languages.
Note also that some, if not many, writers here are arrogant enough to tell Ukrainians that they know much
more than Ukrainians do about how Ukrainians should feel about their history and national identity.

Even some Ukrainians who preferred to speak Russian at home are fighting against Putin's invasion.
Likewise, even the Finns who had fought for the Reds in Finland's civil war decided to fight under Mannerheim
(the White leader in the civil war) against a Soviet invasion in the Winter War. Hardly any Finn welcomed
being 'liberated' by Stalin.

Some writers here have condescendingly described Ukraine as Russia's 'younger brother' and urged Ukrainians
to follow or obey their supposed older sibling. Now that relationship's more like Ukraine being a younger sister
who has been raped by her older brother. (Some writers here apparently feel that she should 'relax and enjoy it'.)
Given the trauma of Ukraine's recent violation, I don't foresee how her relationship with Russia can be repaired,
at least not for a long time.

Many, perhaps most, writers here have been cheering on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, predicting (until recently)
an easy Russian victory, and urging Russia to use force even more ruthlessly against any Ukrainian resistance.
These writers have (predictably) adopted an extremely hypocritical 'double standard' toward alleged war crimes,
by instantly accepting Russian claims of Ukrainian war crimes and instantly rejecting Ukrainian claims of Russian
war crimes as just more Western propaganda. Their occasional token rhetoric of pretending to care about
Ukrainian civilians is far from convincing.

I shall not waste time attempting to make any 'moral appeals' to writers who apparently lack any moral
consciences and believe that 'might makes right' as long as their side apparently has the might.
Instead, I submit that any Chinese nationalists who profess to care about China's security above all are being
extremely foolish in tying China's security so inextricably to unconditional support for Russia's war on Ukraine.
(Being Chinese nationalists, they likely seem too arrogant to concede their errors or learn anything.)

First of all, China has national interests (which may change in time), not any permanent friends.
International relations should be based upon managing interests, not getting trapped in dysfunctional alliances.
China should not 'burn its bridges' to Ukraine, with which China has had a fairly good relationship in general.
China's security may depend upon having a stable government in Russia that's friendly or at least not antagonistic.
China's security does not depend upon supporting or financing Russian imperialism.
China's security does not depend upon Russia conquering or occupying anything in Ukraine.
No one in China will be any less secure if Russia does not control any part of Donbas.

Eventually, Putin will no longer be Russia's leader. Zelensky will no longer be Ukraine's leader.
China should begin preparing for a future where it can be well-respected by both Russia and Ukraine.

China's government is officially neutral (albeit with a pro-Russian tilt) on the war between Russia and Ukraine.
I note that many apparently Chinese writers here have been much more vociferous in expressing their apparent
unconditional support for a Russian conquest of Ukraine, which is far from being China's official position.

I would add that if people in Taiwan believe that China aims to treat them like Russia has treated Ukrainians
(with apparent loud Chinese nationalist approval here), they will resist even more China's bid for reunification.
Russia's war on Ukraine would be a terrible example for China to follow.
This is off topic, we have a topic specifically for lessons of Ukraine for Taiwan.


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I haven't heard any calls for this lately. More likely it was just a casus belli. I doubt Putin cares about their LARP ideology.
In fact, some of the Wehrmacht's former generals served (with Soviet approval) in the DDR's Nationale Volksarmee.

Russia's attempting to justify its invasion of Ukraine as being motivated by eliminating a small minority of neo-Nazis
sounds like the USA's attempting to justify its invasion of Afghanistan as being motivated to eliminate Al-Qaeda.
Note that the supposed in neo-Nazis in Ukraine never attacked any targets in Russia before this war.


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In reality, a significant number of Americans disapprove of much, perhaps most, of US foreign and military policies.
Why would you apparently presume that?
I don't know if that's true or not, but assuming that it is, it still makes no meaningful difference for people living outside the US, especially those in countries that end up in American cross-hairs.

George W. Bush committed a war crime by illegally invading Iraq in a war of aggression. How did the American people punish him? By re-election.

Barack Obama most likely committed a war cime by ordering over 500 extrajudicial executions with drone strikes in foreign lands. Over 3,500 people were killed. Hundreds of them were innocent civilians, among them pregnant women and children. Particularly heinous were the double-tap strikes wiping out first respondents who rushed to the bombing scene to assist any survivors. How did the American people punish him? By re-election.
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