Ukrainian War Developments

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odds are it doesnt even know that it being engaged.

This brings question about what's with the Kamov's MAWS or LWR system. as Stugna is a laser beamrider

With beamrider a possible tactic is to aim the beam slightly off from the target so as not to trigger laser warning, then aim the beam on target right before the hit, which looks like what they're doing in the video


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I just thought of a crackpot theory that US wants to prolong this war, making this as a new status quo in order to control EU militarily through the Russia boogeyman threat, war crimes and human rights violation to control them politically.

To add some credence to the theory, US have been making exemptions to their sanctions and have been secretly evading their own sanctions anyways. Another is the constant announcement of weapons delivery, like why would you tell everyone in public, giving Russia knowledge of what's to come and to prepare for.

Regardless of the outcome of the war, there's a good chance that EU will just return to the previous status quo, and normalize their relations again. You can see they never took the Russia threat seriously before, with the amount of defense spending they have.

So an economically weak EU will be more easier to control, and will open a lot of opportunities for US in making unequal treaties and "cooperation", but that's just my weird theory.


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I just thought of a crackpot theory that US wants to prolong this war, making this as a new status quo in order to control EU militarily through the Russia boogeyman threat, war crimes and human rights violation to control them politically.

To add some credence to the theory, US have been making exemptions to their sanctions and have been secretly evading their own sanctions anyways. Another is the constant announcement of weapons delivery, like why would you tell everyone in public, giving Russia knowledge of what's to come and to prepare for.

Not a crackpot theory at all, the US would love to create a sustained bleeding wound for both Russia and Europe. The entire NATO expansion initiative is to create friction point to destroy Eurasia cooperation at large

Edit: I'd say it is a grave strategic mistake by the US, it seems to to me the Russians are pretty much willing to sale their souls back in the 1990s to early 2000s to join the west, Putin even asked to join NATO (joking or not). But Russophobia in the US deep state had chosen a different path.... good for China
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Not a crackpot theory at all, the US would love to create a sustained bleeding wound for both Russia and Europe. The entire NATO expansion initiative is to create friction point to destroy Eurasia cooperation at large
Indeed, but then there are some signs its no going fully their way. Like some of the EU countries still ended up electing a pro-Russian candidate like Hungary and anti-EU/NATO candidate Le Pen is gaining popularity.

Some of them are also negotiating for gas deals settling in rubbles, and almost all the sanctions don't have full cooperation from every EU member. I think we can all agree that the EU administration is completely controlled by US, and you can see how much they really want to put self-destructive sanctions on all the EU members.

All the narrative that EU is more united as ever, looks hollow to me. I think in the long run, some of the EU members might ended up having their own "Brexit", because of all these mess. Either way, anything that goes bad in EU, is a win for US.


The Capitalist
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An uncomfortable thought is that behind the overt nation level conflict and different to the popular separatism that we saw in the Crimea and the Donbas, that there is a simmering sectarian conflict which is coming rapidly to the boil.
The Events of Bucha do not bode well and whatever actually happened, it will only exacerbate sectarian tensions on both sides as both sides will see themselves as the victims in all such.
If we see these events repeated in other recently Russian occupied towns, this might explode into a whole new partisan war with absolutely no front line at all.


Registered Member
An uncomfortable thought is that behind the overt nation level conflict and different to the popular separatism that we saw in the Crimea and the Donbas, that there is a simmering sectarian conflict which is coming rapidly to the boil.
The Events of Bucha do not bode well and whatever actually happened, it will only exacerbate sectarian tensions on both sides as both sides will see themselves as the victims in all such.
If we see these events repeated in other recently Russian occupied towns, this might explode into a whole new partisan war with absolutely no front line at all.
Could we get over of Bucha?

The whole thing is a psy ops to feed the population with something that direct they emotions to hate russia, and don't hate the goverment for creating inflation, freezing people and creating hunger.

It is a miltiary topic, not the SUN frontpage, we don't need to spend our time with pointless arguments about six or eight corpse with unknown background, to make same policial advertisement.


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An uncomfortable thought is that behind the overt nation level conflict and different to the popular separatism that we saw in the Crimea and the Donbas, that there is a simmering sectarian conflict which is coming rapidly to the boil.
The Events of Bucha do not bode well and whatever actually happened, it will only exacerbate sectarian tensions on both sides as both sides will see themselves as the victims in all such.
If we see these events repeated in other recently Russian occupied towns, this might explode into a whole new partisan war with absolutely no front line at all.
I think that even without events like Bucha, the Ukrainian population will eventually hate the Russian because of the war disrupting their daily life and killing their own people. The more this conflict prolongs, the more those resentment and anger turns into hatred, and from that hatred it turns into a scar for the relation between the population for generation to come.

I think this factor will sadly escalate the degree of violence in the battlefield and make the idea Russians have that Ukrainians are "brothers" turn into nothing. Putin went in the war trying to minimize the casualties because he wants to win the Ukrainian populace's hearts, and to cater to the domestic majority in Russia that sees Ukraine as Russians.

If all these previous emotions are gone, either because Russia is losing or the Russian majority have gotten disillusioned. We may unfortunately see them turn to more high-collateral means of winning their battles.


Registered Member
Seriously, they need to start hitting the infrastructure of any place they don't intend to occupy with carpet bombing, air dispensed mines (for area targets) and missiles (for point targets).

These include:

1. cities west of the Dnieper
2. bridges across the Dnieper except the ones near Kherson
3. all Ukrainian oil refineries, semiconductor fabs (if any), bridges west of the Dnieper, tunnel entrances, etc.
4. farmland that is used to export grain to adversary countries (legal per US doctrine re: Agent Orange)
5. all fossil fuel power plants not connected with the eastern or southern Ukrainian grids

Second, shut off the gas pipelines crossing Ukraine first unless the end buyers pay in rubles, and then provide gas supply data to the end users and immediately publicize if Ukraine siphons gas.
Maybe just send gaz to Germany with Northstream 2 ? Would be epic.


Registered Member
I think this factor will sadly escalate the degree of violence in the battlefield and make the idea Russians have that Ukrainians are "brothers" turn into nothing.
This was Putin being delusional

Putin went in the war trying to minimize the casualties because he wants to win the Ukrainian populace's hearts, and to cater to the domestic majority in Russia that sees Ukraine as Russians.
Another delusional mistake from Putin. Its like he thought that by bombing them, Ukrainians would love Russia even more. Did he really think that Ukraine has Stockholm Syndrome?!

We may unfortunately see them turn to more high-collateral means of winning their battles.
It might be a real war. Because whats happening so far has been Putin's "brother" war

Make no mistake, Putin has made a huge blunder on the way he shackled Russia's military from utilising its full strength to crush Ukrainian resistance. Whatever happens in the battlefield is exclusively owned by Putin. Its his decisions that have shaped this "brother" war.
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