Ukrainian War Developments

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Crimea was a totally different scenario.
The Ukrainian government was in shambles due to the Maidan coup which represented a sudden (and constitutionally illegal) change of government from a pro-Russian to one controlled by Anti-Russian parties. Furthermore, since the Russian navy was already leasing Sevastopol, so their personnel were already there.

In the current time, the best case scenario in the Russian calculation would be collapse, but to me, I don't think they were counting on it. The signs of a willingness to wage a long resistance were pretty clear.

In the big picture, I think Russia/Putin felt he was running out of time. US was continuing to pour in weapons and training. Zelensky was ready to sign on the dotted line for a number of Chinese infrastructure projects (including projects in Mariupol and Berdyansk) after pushing them away early on to try to engage with the West. If he waited any longer he risked the Ukrainian military being strong enough to sweep away the DPR and LPR, or worse, threatening Chinese economic interests which risks his only friendly relationship.
If you check the airports around Odessa and Crimea they was reufurbished recently to be cappable to accept heavy military planes.

I presume the Russians really run out of time , most likelly by the end of this year Ukraine would be the home of several USA bomber and airforce squadron , if there is no "special operation " .


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This is from the National Post. Its Canadian media, not Russian state-sponsored propaganda media:

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Ukraine’s embassy and consulates here
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the involvement of would-be fighters from Canada, unusual activity for diplomats.

But five weeks into the bloody war, Ukraine has temporarily halted recruitment into its foreign legion, with the government and other sources citing countries that have banned their citizens from enlisting and a flood of volunteers with limited military experience.
“There are multiple reasons (for halting recruiting) with one of them being the lack of firearms,” said the International Legion spokesman.
Ukraine greatly appreciated the outpouring of support — but has come to realize it makes no sense sending foreign infantry neophytes to the front lines.
“The Ukrainian military guys I’ve talked to don’t want to sacrifice young Canadians or young Brits for dramatic effect,” said Lubomyr Luciuk, a Royal Military College (RMC) professor.
“This shows there are people in Canada, in the United States, in Great Britain, in Georgia, in Italy, in Greece who say, ‘I want to stand with my Ukrainian brothers and sisters as they fight to defend their country,’” he said. “But very quickly it becomes obvious that some of these well-intentioned volunteers are not ready.”
“Some people assumed they would arrive, they would get quick training, be given a gun and head off to the front,” he said. “There are all sorts of consequences if untrained people head in.”

So according to a known pro-Ukrainian media. Ukraine is having problems with:
1) inexperienced foreign volunteers
2) lack of firearms to issue to them
3) ugly image of using them as cannon fodder
4) countries are starting to ban foreign volunteers to Ukraine

So what happened to all that "Stand with Ukraine" solidarity? Isn't the act of fighting for Ukraine more important than combat experience? That's what the Western MSM has been cheering about.
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How the Javelin/Stinger/Switchblade get close to the Russians ?

The military will walk few hundred kms in small groups, without detection , and launch the switchblade and goes back for more on a week long trip ?

Or they dig themselves into the mud, and wait for weeks if a Russian tank turn up if ever?

Or drive around in trucks that can be targeted and blown up ?

I can't see how these could be usefull, the miltary needs mobilty, air defence and things like that, without that they just sitting duck regardless of fancy gadgets they have.
Exactly. All those brand new Javelins, Stingers, and Switchblades are only useful if they are on the frontlines, not in warehouses. How exactly are they gonna reach the Ukrainian soldiers who need them? They have to be delivered by road from the Polish border. That's still some distance away from Kiev, let alone Eastern Ukraine. Plus the Russians have troops sitting on numerous key roads heading to Kiev from Poland, and the Russian air force practically controls the skies above Ukraine.


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On scene photos from Belgorod earlier today.
Thinking about it, Ukrainian helicopters flying under radar cover explains the mystery of the ship that was sunk last week and the recent munitions warehouse in Russia that got hit. The only reason we know about this is because someone caught it on camera.

It would also explain why the Americans were proudly proclaiming that Russia hadn't yet achieved air supremacy.


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Soooo...Ukrainian helicopters are the new tractors? Are we sure no one saw a tractor with with helicopter blades flying away?


Russian Media: If anything happens it has to be Ukrainians and not our own incompetency

It’s easier to blame your enemy in a time of war to garner further support than it is to report the objective reality in a developing situation with no further details.
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