Ukrainian War Developments

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Intelligence of the United States and Britain transmitted data to the Office of the President of Ukraine that the second stage of the Russian military campaign will begin within a week. Pentagon military analysts are confident that the attack on Nikolaev will begin simultaneously with the encirclement of the eastern front.

Surrendered military Ukraine army: "We were treated normally, like a human being." Nazar Kulikov, who voluntarily laid down his arms, no longer wants to connect his life with the army.


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Care to explain?

I have the feeling more recently certain members refuse to argue in case they don't agree but instantly mock certain posts they don't like or disagree or even report them!

Guys ... that's the typical issue in/on any forum, it is an exchange and in case one member is only relying on "Western media" it is more than understandable it contradicts, what "Russian sources" say. But to find out, who is spreading lies, who is being fooled by a false claim and who is correct, that's the important part and IMO duty of a forum like this.

Only relying on one side and bashing the other, is only plain stupid! As such, please argue and in case you don't like a certain post, please DO NOT report it as trolling unless it does not violate any rules.
It should be no surprise by now, a thread such as this can attract wildly polarising views for reasons that should be obvious to all.

Quite often a lot of the back-and-forth evolves, or devolves, whichever way you want to look at it, into debates that carry little substance or are plainly off-topic.

You have one side insisting on their stance, or that their argument or their sources of info make so much sense while the other side doesn't, and refusing to back down. Invariably the other side refuses to back down also, and we end up with pages and pages of the abovementioned.

Everybody knows what needs to be done, but not everybody can act sensibly when the argument turns emotional or against you.

For my part I simply remind myself what I'm on here for -

To stay informed on the topic of peculiar interest that is the militaries of the world, with a peculiar-er focus on the military of a certain Sino-centric nation and contribute to a discussion where I'm able, and perhaps occasionally unwind by having a humorous take on the silliness of the happenings in the world;

Or to anonymously defend my pride against anonymous individuals on some anonymous message board?


Registered Member
Intelligence of the United States and Britain transmitted data to the Office of the President of Ukraine that the second stage of the Russian military campaign will begin within a week. Pentagon military analysts are confident that the attack on Nikolaev will begin simultaneously with the encirclement of the eastern front.
A week sounds about right for Russia to relocate its forces and prepare for Phase 2


Registered Member
CNN and our friend were pitching the Switchblade as a Wunderwaffe for Ukraine. I don't doubt the capability of the Switchblade, it is a useful weapon to have on the modern battlefield. But we have to ask ourselves, is 100 Switchblades gonna seriously change the tide of this war? Even if the US delivers another 1000 Switchblades, could Ukraine realistically triumph over Russia at this stage? We should remember, those Wunderwaffe didn't win WWII for Nazi Germany.
How the Javelin/Stinger/Switchblade get close to the Russians ?

The military will walk few hundred kms in small groups, without detection , and launch the switchblade and goes back for more on a week long trip ?

Or they dig themselves into the mud, and wait for weeks if a Russian tank turn up if ever?

Or drive around in trucks that can be targeted and blown up ?

I can't see how these could be usefull, the miltary needs mobilty, air defence and things like that, without that they just sitting duck regardless of fancy gadgets they have.


Registered Member
A week sounds about right for Russia to relocate its forces and prepare for Phase 2
The main objective of the Russians is to destroy the 70k+ Ukrainan units entranched in Donbas.

That hasn't started yet, and without taking care of them doesn't make sense to target any city or area in Ukraine.

But by now the units in Donbas could run low in fuel, and the position of them mapped well I presume.


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An industrial center has caught on fire near the Verkhniye Likhobory metro station in Moscow; this comes after oil storage facilities in Belgorod were destroyed by alleged Ukrainian forces and a reportedly intense shelling campaign of Russian areas near the Ukrainian border.

It is unknown currently what has caused the fire in Moscow however Russian media outlets are claiming Ukrainian involvement.



Registered Member
Well, Ukraine did give up and let them stroll in 2014 Crimea annexation. Based on that experience, maybe they had faulty and unreliable intelligence this time, erroneously believe Ukrainians would fold like wet paper, West would do symbolic sanctions (again) due to pandemic-fall out. The initial stages of the war looked like it wanted to shock Ukraine into folding quickly, a 5-axis simultaneous invasion of entire 2000 mile frontier with 120K troops against 600K defenders, and attempt to surround the capital hoping they sue for peace and quick negotiated victory.
Crimea was a totally different scenario.
The Ukrainian government was in shambles due to the Maidan coup which represented a sudden (and constitutionally illegal) change of government from a pro-Russian to one controlled by Anti-Russian parties. Furthermore, since the Russian navy was already leasing Sevastopol, so their personnel were already there.

In the current time, the best case scenario in the Russian calculation would be collapse, but to me, I don't think they were counting on it. The signs of a willingness to wage a long resistance were pretty clear.

In the big picture, I think Russia/Putin felt he was running out of time. US was continuing to pour in weapons and training. Zelensky was ready to sign on the dotted line for a number of Chinese infrastructure projects (including projects in Mariupol and Berdyansk) after pushing them away early on to try to engage with the West. If he waited any longer he risked the Ukrainian military being strong enough to sweep away the DPR and LPR, or worse, threatening Chinese economic interests which risks his only friendly relationship.
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