Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
They have been threatening to nuke the UK since the start. Hasn't prevented the transfer of weapons so far.

That being said, can't see how extra armour will make a significant difference to Ukraine. They need air defence systems, unless "armour" is a catch-all for things like "stormer"
They've been tolerating small arms. Anything larger, like S-300, or the migs has lead to an escalation. We'll see if they make an appearance. The decision whether to escalate again will come from the US, not the England. This is another "Poland" situation and I think the Americans will shut this down before the Russians have to.

I think armoured vehicles alone unlikely to make the situation better for the Ukrainians. They have such poor fuel economy when supplies are low. We don't know what the situation is like for the Ukrainians, maybe they're desperate for APCs.


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Same as Task & Purpose, he's latest video from what i've seen is pretty biased and mostly talked about the Kiev front even though that front has become a secondary objective for the Russians

Do you think these withdrawals are the reasons behind recent Ukrainian success in Brovary-Chernihiv region?

Richard Santos

Registered Member
It seems the Russian units being pulled back from Kyiv is being pulled into Belarus. Most people seems to thinks these will be sent to eastern Ukraine after a period of rest and refit. But it is not inconceivable they will be deployed to try to either physically cut western Ukraine off from poland and Romania, or simply by bringing the war zone to western ukraine border, make it disconcertingly risky for NATO to attempt to send supplies into ukraine.


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Forbes has progressively gotten worse and worse, while improving their click through rate algorithms. No different from what Newsweek is now (Basically just a well-known formerly respected name slapped on to a right wing conspiracy site). They employ David Axe, which tells you the general quality of their current content.

"Slaughter of civilians", "(China) human rights abuses", "Uyghurs", "Ties to the Communist Party", if we count a Free Space we have BINGO right??
Mags like those you mentioned are becoming unreadable. about 20 years ago, I read Forbes or Newsweek almost on a daily basis. Now it is a total waste of time. They are all becoming parts of the same echo chamber.


It seems not really withstanding the NLAW first stage hit from re-watching the video
(I noticed a fire coming out of the lower of the turret emplacement)
View attachment 86260

Recent Southfront update:
Interesting that the RPG detonated at the rear of the tank, and destroyed the heavy machine gun. After the white smoke was cleared, the rear of the tank appeared undamage. My guess is the RPG is fitted with proximity fuze, and detonated without contact.

Typo error in images: "frame" should be "flame".
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Registered Member
Normally I don't post totally unsubstantiated stuff on here. I try to do some basic research before commenting on the course of the war. But this next one is too good to pass up. There are unverified rumors in the twittersphere that about 20 American and British military advisors are stuck with the Azov regiment in Mariupol, inside the AzovStal industrial zone! I want to stress that I have no idea if this is true. Could be total hogwash. But if it's true it would explain a lot! Such as:

1) Why the Ukrainians would be stupid enough to send 3 perfectly good choppers into an area occupied and dominated by Russian forces

2) Why the Russians haven't blown some of AzovStal to bits yet. Can you imagine the propaganda coup of capturing these Westerners alive?

3) Why Macron and Boris have floated ridiculous ideas about humanitarian convoys and other ploys to stop the fighting.

Like I said, could be totally crazy speculation. I'm the first to admit that. But man it's wild to think about this stuff!
Interesting theory. We know there's at least one British mercenary there, and very likely a second. Any serving soldier there won't be recognised as a serving soldier. Mariupol was too close to the front line at the start so they likely would have been given the order to withdraw.

Whatever happens in Mariupol, some Anglos will be captured alive in this war. There's simply too many of them not to.
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