Ukrainian War Developments

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TB-2s cost $5 million each, it more than worth it to take them out. Military drones fly too high for something like a Zu-23 to take out.

You're right though. There is a gap in the military industry for a low cost smaller SAM platform designed specifically for drones. I don't think any country has anything like that.
I meant reserving SAMs for actual UAVs and flaks for consumer drones. But yeah, like @Atomicfrog said old Russian SAMs have limited shelf life. So it makes more sense to make the most use out of them than to let those things rot.


Registered Member
These weapons system are nice and powerfull but they don't have a lot of battlefield endurance, 2 shots and they need to reload. Emptying a full truck for two other rounds... They are probably staying well behind battle lines in Crimea or even in Russia. Would be interesting to see the number launched this last month ?
Isn’t it a short range ballistic missile? Not like they need to drive it that deep into Ukraine for it to cover most of the region. Since hitting too close to the Western border may be problematic then there is even less range needed to cover most of Ukraine.


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These weapons system are nice and powerfull but they don't have a lot of battlefield endurance, 2 shots and they need to reload. Emptying a full truck for two other rounds... They are probably staying well behind battle lines in Crimea or even in Russia. Would be interesting to see the number launched this last month ?
They hit extremely hard and accurately in a very quick way from a safe distance. Where as an airstrike takes time to prepare, a cruise missile takes longer to reach the target, giving NATO time to warn Ukrainians of an impending strike, and an artillery strike may not be feasible or within range.

An iskander strikes its target in a couple minutes, has a monster warhead and can deliver a nuclear gift as well if needed.

You wouldn't really use it unless you had to strike something promptly and decisively based on time critical intelligence.

They do serve a very crucial role and have demonstrated themselves to be rather effective weapons.

Not something you would use on every target bur rather important time sensitive ones that may not be in range of something cheaper.


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They hit extremely hard and accurately in a very quick way from a safe distance. Where as an airstrike takes time to prepare, a cruise missile takes longer to reach the target, giving NATO time to warn Ukrainians of an impending strike, and an artillery strike may not be feasible or within range.

An iskander strikes its target in a couple minutes, has a monster warhead and can deliver a nuclear gift as well if needed.

You wouldn't really use it unless you had to strike something promptly and decisively based on time critical intelligence.

They do serve a very crucial role and have demonstrated themselves to be rather effective weapons.

Not something you would use on every target bur rather important time sensitive ones that may not be in range of something cheaper.
But this is the cruise missile K variant though, not the ballistic Iskander/M.

As shown in the vid it's launching either a Kalibr or a Kh-55, which are sub-sonics.

reservior dogs

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Watched an analysis from this guy

Seems to make a lot of sense about the objectives of the Russians. Most Chinese watchers are, like us here, frustrated by the lack of progress on the war. What he pointed out is

1. The Russians do not lack troops, they have 100K in Ukraine today, but also 100K crack troops stationed in Belarus and another 100K in reserves from Russia that they can deploy.
2. The Ukrainians have not done that well during the war. They have not shown any even tactical victories. Many of their claims were made with footages from video games.
3. The Russian approach to the war, from the beginning, had not been to do a blitzkrieg, but a slow war of attrition.

Given that with nuclear weapons, the Russians have scared the West into not entering the war except some small amount of aids, time is on the side of the Russians. What the Russians lack the most in fighting this war is money, so they are trying to minimize the cost of the war. They want to achieve the maximum benefits with the minimum cost. They want to use the war to gain leverage for negotiation if possible, if not, they can put more pressure by invading another city. If after Mariupol, the Ukrainians don't agree to the Russian demands, the next target would be Kharkiv and Sumy. After that, they will go for Mykolaiv and Odesa. They want a negotiated settlement.

The cost of war for Russia was high in the first few weeks, but has dropped significantly after that since in most places, they just have troops station there without fighting. They can sustain that for a long time to come. We see them bombing supplies like fuel and ammo depot. Over time, resources will be severely depleted not just for one or two cities, but all of Ukraine. Without fuel, not only does it limit Ukrainian troop mobility, it also makes transport of supplies very difficult. As they continue to hit fuel and ammo depots, it will be very difficult for the West to even supply them. You can have 4x4s, but they can't go all the way to the Eastern cities where the fighting takes place if fuel runs short. They cannot supply fuel which is quite bulky and heavy. There will be no tankers coming from Poland anytime soon.

If the war takes six months, the Russians can still sustain it given in most places, they are not fighting so the cost is very low. Ukraine side will run out of everything in the entire country and will have a very hard time being resupplied. Even in Mariupol, it is the same game plan. They surround the Ukraine soldiers, and try to minimize loses on the Russian side. This means you take your time clearing out the area so as to minimize casualties. Everyday, the other side runs out of everything from ammo to food and water.

From the beginning, the Russians never set out to achieve a fast victory as that was quite costly. They set out to fight a slow war of attrition while trying to negotiate a settlement. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian military is being run by the West so no settlement as the West wanted to bleed the Russians. It is war between the U.S. and Russia using Ukrainian soldiers.
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