Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
If you're hoping that Russia will blink on turning off gas you're delusional. They were one hour away from launching nukes a month ago.

Russian media hasn't publicised the videos of Ukrainians beheading or kneecapping POWs. Many Russians have seen it through telegram channels, but it's not hit mainstream media yet.

They'll give that footage a run on national media outlets and the outrage will be sufficient to prepare for the economic hit that will come with losing European gas money.


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If you're hoping that Russia will blink on turning off gas you're delusional. They were one hour away from launching nukes a month ago.
There's a reply in the thread explaining that Gazprom is supposed to devise a system for payment in ruble by March 31, then switch to that payment system for over 1-2 months.

Honestly, I've gotten really numb to big announcements at this point, there seems to be a pattern of a big shocking news, then a clarification later.


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Urban warfare is grueling and intensive. For people to expect Mauripol to fall quickly have to understand this isn’t irregular jihadist insurgents who only have ak’s, rpgs and light machine guns. Russia is facing down a peer who has a well trained and equipped army in a city. They have advanced weapons like manpads and atgms. These benefits the defenders as they can inflict as much carnage on the attackers. Making the attackers pay in blood for every city block they take . It was going to be a long fight. From what I’m reading they are clearing every apartment building. Floor by floor, apartment by apartment room by room. Not to mention there is civilians in the midst. They would get a lot of bad will from the citizens if they bombarded the city Grozny/Aleppo style.

The battle of Mauripol as I said before is a preview of the future urban battles of Khariv ,Dnirpo and Odessa etc. These cities are larger and the defenders have time to prepare defenses. That’s why I believe phase 3 will capturing the eastern urban area after destroying the UAF positions in Donbas. This phase will be the longest, most brutal and bloody stage of the war. America would have faced the same problems Russia is facing if they launched a ground invasion of Iran and had to storm major cities like Mashhad, Qoms, Bandar Abbas, etc. The last 30 years has seen urban battles with irregular militants and these were very bloody and intense. This is very different. We haven’t seen urban warfare where the defender is a well trained army armed with manpads and atgms. Last time a military faced this was the US during the battle of Hue. And that lasted a month. Realistically speaking this war may end in the summer.


Registered Member
Just take this as a final warning! no videos showing war crimes, murder or cruelties allowed!
The original video was posted on a Ukrainian telegram channel. The same one that posted the pig lard video. Since the start of the war they've been posting more and more brutal videos of war crimes starting with Russian POWs being blindfolded with tape and looking like they've been beaten up quite badly. The last one looked like a Ukrainian militia slicing the throat of another Ukrainian civilian who he accused of being a Russian spy.

All Ukrainian telegram channels were full of videos of civilians being tied to lampposts and beaten. A Ukrainian minister even came out and said the police don't have time to arrest criminals so the action, but after the war the victims will all be punished with jail terms.

All videos are being censored on twitter and other western social media for "violence", even though they don't have any problem with people posting pictures of dead Russian soldiers.

Ukrainians have now even stopped posting videos of the "lampposting", probably because they've been told that it does more harm than good.

Both sides are lying, that's obvious. But are we supposed to believe that the Russians have also somehow manipulated the Ukrainians into posting fake videos of themselves committing war crimes?
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Registered Member
On the heroic saga of the Ukranian farmer brigade the most glorious Anti-tank unit in the world is continuing to do it's daily job
Both sidesa are probably paying farmers to get bogged down equipment. If a tank sank in a field you don't send another tank to pull it out to have two tanks stuck... Tractor look like a good thing and they probably have less chances not be shot at from both sides.
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