You concur with a registered, convicted sex offender and RT op-ed writer? Basically a massively compromised, paid Russian shill? Well OK, you do you.
While Scott Ritter was indeed convicted of the crime you mentioned, his prior experience, and expertise as a U.S. marine (once a marine, always a marine) with extensive experience from serving in military intelligence in the 1st Gulf War, chief weapons inspector etc..still carry weight, and relevance to the discussion with respect to military affairs, and war. There is absolutely wrong with moralizing people like yourself that has caused more harm than good judging from how your group of countries, and ideological brethrens you support have caused the situation the world is experiencing. Winston Churchill was bastardly racist but his crass, and barbaric views, actions against the British crown jewel colony of India causing massive famine, and death (Bengal famine) during WWII doesn't diminish his standing, contribution to the British prestige, as well as his "leadership" during the trying times of the bombing of Britain by the German Luftwaffe in WWII now did it?
And do you have any evidence to support your stupid claim that Scott Ritter is indeed a "PAID RUSSIAN SHILL" or is this one of your off the cuff rant against anyone who supports Russian actions in Ukriane.