Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
Cue Steiner counterattack jokes, but given how rubbish the Russians have been in this war, this could actually work:

So the bright idea is to concentrate most of the assets in one big offensive, in a small region where the Russian air force, drones and missiles can easily destroy it? Maybe I am wrong but that is not sound like a good idea. The Russian are using Ukrainian cities to trap Ukrainian forces.


Registered Member
Cue Steiner counterattack jokes, but given how rubbish the Russians have been in this war, this could actually work:

Lol, the amusing thing is, Ukraine doesn't have the means nor the support to properly conduct a counterattack so even if they try, they will just get hammered by russian artillery while they amass and charge.

NATO ISR has helped them on the defense, launching a counteroffensive is a whole different beast, particularly as the russians keep vaporizing ukrainian ammo and fuel depots.

reservior dogs

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I thought the whole thing was controversial, especially the imaginary encirclement of Russian forces around Kiev, and the use of the politically charged Ukrainian terminology "Russian saboteurs", who are likely just Ukrainian civilians who got caught stealing bread.

But one question to anyone who believes the above. If Russia has 40,000 casualties, how many do the Ukrainians have? In most wars casualties are close to each other, having a 2/3 times higher K/D is rare. Yet we're supposed to believe that the Ukrainians are doing this despite having no air force? Even if it was true, Ukrainian hospitals would be completely saturated with injured, yet they aren't.

How does the supposed casualty numbers tally with the number of prisoners of war from each side, which is usually the most accurate statistic in any war. On 2nd of March, Russia stated having 572 Ukrainian POW, while on the 20nd (nearly 3 weeks later) March the Ukrainians claimed to have 562 Russians captured.

All these western analysts have gone crazy, it is like the Afghan conflict but 10x worse.
There is no way the kill ratio will be one to one. The Russians have not attacked most of the cities. For the ones that they do attack, they are encircling them, tightening the noose, hitting their supply depot, and basically designed to consume the Ukrainian resources inside the encirclement. Once they have exhausted the resources inside, then they go in with at least 2x the force. The Ukrainian fighters will be starved, thirsty, and out of ammo. They would also not have had a good night sleep for a week or more. Even then, reportedly what kill most of them were not gun battles, but bombs and cannons. The Ukrainians will be lucky to achieve a 4/1 kill ratio where Ukraine loses 4 to 1 Russian. At the beginning the Russians have lost a few people to ambush and such, but that number is bound to be very small, maybe in the hundreds. Now, even ambush is not happening that frequently now. When you fight in an asymmetric warfare, the killing is heavily skewed towards the disadvantaged party.


Registered Member
Because we all know what arbiters of truth the US MSM is. It's in their interest to keep the fear alive. Fear is clicks. Fear is money, and the spice must flow.
US MSM will never admit anything that portrays the US or it's allies as even the slightest bit weak or disadvantaged unless it is forced to. There's a reason why "position of strength" has become a meme.


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This sounds fantastical. Intercepted missile still manages to make target? burning debris starting a fire on a metal ship?

If the ship that got flooded start moving again ill consider believing it.
Happened with many SCUDs during Desert Storm. The original Patriot was designed to shred aircraft, not heavily built warheads. They'd shred the airframe and the warhead would keep on coming. They had to do some mods to the Patriot warhead (PAC-1/2 GEM, etc.) and eventually went to hit-to-kill with PAC-3 (a different missile). PAC-3, THAAD, and SM-3 all have aimpoint selection so they can hit the warhead. THAAD reportedly can hit anywhere it wants on a target, with an accuracy roughly the size of a sheet of notebook paper.


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So the bright idea is to concentrate most of the assets in one big offensive, in a small region where the Russian air force, drones and missiles can easily destroy it? Maybe I am wrong but that is not sound like a good idea. The Russian are using Ukrainian cities to trap Ukrainian forces.

The assault in Mykolayiv is pretty much a diversion aimed at not only distract the Ukie forces but also to catch them on the move and hit them. If they are actually falling into lure for propaganda purposes, then they are dumber than expected.


Junior Member
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US MSM will never admit anything that portrays the US or it's allies as even the slightest bit weak or disadvantaged unless it is forced to. There's a reason why "position of strength" has become a meme.
Oh please. All Putin has to say is, "nuke" and they start salivating at the headlines they'll be able to write.
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