Ukrainian War Developments

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IIRC, G20 was a direct result of China rejecting G2 right after the great financial crisis occurred. US can propose to have G20 killed altogether. On that I think China can reasonably agree because G20 is nothing but a photo op. US can have G7. China has RCEP. Russia poisoned SCO when it insisted on bringing in India as a counter-measure to China bringing Pakistan. Russia also muddled BRICS in the past. So maybe canceling G20 altogether is not a bad idea. Russia needs a lesson in half-assed relationship with China. India needs a lesson in straddling Russia and US. China needs a lesson that you cannot keep everybody happy. US needs a lesson that you cannot have the cake and eat it too, at least no longer the case vis-a-vis China. That would be a happy ending in my liking.
Nah, India in the SCO was the right thing to do. It's better to try and work with them and make them an ally than an enemy. India is important to Russia, they are their biggest military customer by far. Having Pakistan in and not India would make the whole organisation against India, which is not it's purpose. Their position on this Ukraine conflict vindicates the decision to admit them.

I agree with cancelling G20. It has no value other than to let leaders go on expensive conferences.
Even though most of Kashmir's people would likely prefer that Kashmir belong to Pakistan or become an independent country
(which explains why India never has allowed Kashmir to hold a referendum on self-determination), India will not cede Kashmir.
I doubt that any Indian government could survive if it ever agreed to cede sovereignty over Kashmir.
I think you underestimate how corrupt Indian politicians are. The Russians know how to deal with Indians, they will be the intermediate. It's possible that they won't agree but then they will lose even more. I don't know if China's exact border in Kashmir has been determined, but it will be a matter between China and Pakistan, not India.

My guess is Modi will either claim the borders were created by the British to force India to be hostile with her neighbours (100% the truth), or that the lost territories are not Hindu so aren't real Indians.

No more off topic from me...


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Controversial assessment:

Russian mobilization efforts are likely becoming urgent given Russian losses in the war.
The Wall Street Journal cites an unnamed NATO official claiming that Russia has lost as many as 40,000 troops killed, wounded, or missing of the roughly 190,000 deployed to invade Ukraine.[2] That assessment, which is plausible given previous estimates of Russian combat deaths, must be considered in the context of the assessment offered by an unnamed Department of Defense official on March 21 that Russia had committed a high proportion of its available battalion tactical groups to the war already.[3] The protracting pause of Russian offensive operations in Ukraine and increasing anecdotal reporting of breakdowns in the morale and capability of Russian combat units all accord with these assessments. These reports and assessments collectively suggest that Russia may not be able to find new combat power with which to regain offensive momentum for weeks or even months.

What an incredible army the Russians have.
They have lost over 20% of their men in less than a month and the soldiers still continue to fight .
They must really believe in this war, especially considering according to some reports 40% have frost bite.


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The US knows everything about Russian war goals and plans (seemingly better than the Russians themselves?) , has access to their playbook, but can't answer the simple question who their top commander is:
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Another ISW report with one controversial assessment imo:

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By Fredrick W. Kagan, George Barros and Kateryna Stepanenko

In more detail:
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March 23, 5:00pm

Russian forces continued to settle in for a protracted and stalemated conflict over the last 24 hours, with more reports emerging of Russian troops digging in and laying mines—indications that they have gone over to the defensive. Ukrainian forces continued to conduct limited and effective counterattacks to relieve pressure on Kyiv, although the extent of those counterattacks is likely less than what some Ukrainian officials are claiming. Russian efforts to mobilize additional forces to keep their offensive moving continue to be halting and limited. Russian progress in taking Mariupol city remains slow and grinding. Increasing Russian emphasis on using air, artillery, and rocket/missile bombardments of Ukrainian cities to offset forward offensive momentum raises the urgency of providing Ukraine with systems to defend against these attacks.

Key Takeaways
  • Russian forces continue to go over to the defensive, conducting restricted and localized ground attacks that make little progress.
  • Ukrainian forces are conducting limited and successful counterattacks around Kyiv to disrupt Russian operations to encircle the city (which has now become extremely unlikely) and relieve the pressure on the capital.
  • The Battle of Mariupol continues as a block-by-block struggle with fierce Ukrainian resistance and limited Russian gains.
  • Russia is likely struggling to obtain fresh combat power from Syria and elsewhere rapidly.
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Immediate items to watch
  • Russian forces will likely capture Mariupol or force the city to capitulate within the coming weeks.
  • Russia will expand its air, missile, and artillery bombardments of Ukrainian cities.
  • Ukrainian officials suggest that Ukrainian forces may launch a larger counterattack in western Kyiv Oblast in the coming days.
  • The continued involvement of the Black Sea Fleet in the Battle of Mariupol reduces the likelihood of an amphibious landing near Odesa, Russian naval shelling of Odesa in recent days notwithstanding.

(from the detailed assessment):


Ukrainian forces have launched counterattacks to regain territory occupied by Russian troops, liberating the town of Makariv as noted in the update of March 22. The counterattack, probably conducted primarily by Ukrainian forces from the west of the forwardmost Russian positions, has likely made more significant progress than our map of March 22 showed. We have updated our map considerably since March 22 to show our current assessment of the probable front line west of Kyiv. Some of the Ukrainian gains shown likely occurred on March 21, but we have only just acquired sufficient evidence and clarity on the Ukrainian operations to reflect them accurately in the map of March 23.

Local Ukrainian officials claimed on March 23 that Ukrainian forces have encircled Russian troops in Irpin, Bucha, and Hostomel.[4] The mayor of Kyiv claimed that Ukrainian troops have almost pushed Russian forces out of Irpin.[5] The mayor of Irpin claimed that Ukrainian forces controlled 80% of the city as of March 23 but noted that the Russians continue to fire mortars and Grad rockets at the town and that Russian saboteurs and looters are pervasive.[6]

We are unable to corroborate most of these claims, particularly the claimed encirclement of large groups of Russian forces or the liberation of Irpin. The head of the Kyiv Oblast military administration stated on March 22 that Russian forces still controlled Bucha and Hostomel, that Ukrainian forces could conduct only local counterattacks, and that Ukrainian troops were preparing for a larger offensive operation—all of which would suggest that Ukrainian troops have likely not yet encircled Russian troops in these areas.[7] These Ukrainian claims may reflect the expectation that the Ukrainian counteroffensive will continue and cut off Russian forces currently in the Irpin salient. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and update our assessment and map if and when we find clear corroborating evidence of these claimed Ukrainian advances.

The Ukrainian General Staff reported on March 23 that Russian forces attempted to advance on Teterivsk, roughly 70 kilometers northwest of Kyiv, but were repelled.[8] A local Ukrainian government social media report supports that assessment.[9]

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Controversial assessment:

Russian mobilization efforts are likely becoming urgent given Russian losses in the war.
The Wall Street Journal cites an unnamed NATO official claiming that Russia has lost as many as 40,000 troops killed, wounded, or missing of the roughly 190,000 deployed to invade Ukraine.[2] That assessment, which is plausible given previous estimates of Russian combat deaths, must be considered in the context of the assessment offered by an unnamed Department of Defense official on March 21 that Russia had committed a high proportion of its available battalion tactical groups to the war already.[3] The protracting pause of Russian offensive operations in Ukraine and increasing anecdotal reporting of breakdowns in the morale and capability of Russian combat units all accord with these assessments. These reports and assessments collectively suggest that Russia may not be able to find new combat power with which to regain offensive momentum for weeks or even months.
I thought the whole thing was controversial, especially the imaginary encirclement of Russian forces around Kiev, and the use of the politically charged Ukrainian terminology "Russian saboteurs", who are likely just Ukrainian civilians who got caught stealing bread.

But one question to anyone who believes the above. If Russia has 40,000 casualties, how many do the Ukrainians have? In most wars casualties are close to each other, having a 2/3 times higher K/D is rare. Yet we're supposed to believe that the Ukrainians are doing this despite having no air force? Even if it was true, Ukrainian hospitals would be completely saturated with injured, yet they aren't.

How does the supposed casualty numbers tally with the number of prisoners of war from each side, which is usually the most accurate statistic in any war. On 2nd of March, Russia stated having 572 Ukrainian POW, while on the 20nd (nearly 3 weeks later) March the Ukrainians claimed to have 562 Russians captured.

All these western analysts have gone crazy, it is like the Afghan conflict but 10x worse.


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I think the Russians might have used direct fire from Tos-1A? Some very disturbing pics where the bodies are charred but the buildings aren't demolished like what you would expect from an airstrike. There are bodies all over the corridors that aren't burned but not sure if they were killed in the mop up by infantry, or the oxygen got sucked out of the building from the thermobaric blasts.
Depending on their design, thermobaric weapons can be highly destructive against light infrastructure. More so than conventional explosives, because of their relatively long duration overpressure wave.


Registered Member
The US knows everything about Russian war goals and plans (seemingly better than the Russians themselves?) , has access to their playbook, but can't answer the simple question who their top commander is:
So they are talking on unsecured lines but the US can't determine the field commander? Something doesn't add up. Seems more like the Russians are talking over secure lines and that is why they couldn't discover who is the field commander.
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