Ukrainian War Developments

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Judging from the European PPI and inflation/shortages, I believe we will see the de-industrialization of Europe, with US absorbing most of the European industries and capital into its hollowed out economy. Europe will be hollowed out, canabalized by the US and fall into irrelevancy. And with Russia damaged and going back to lick its wounds, the world may end up in bipolar order again. I certainly wish it doesn't happen, but this is a prospect that I want to point out.

With the extreme weaponization of the US dollar the last 10 years, I doubt US position will remain tenable, particularly if Russia achieves its political objectives in this war.


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The cause of the ship's destruction matters to some extent, but at the end of the day this is downright embarrassing for the Russians regardless of why it happened (on-board accident, artillery strike, ballistic missile strike, whatever). It just speaks to the fact that they've been disorganized and confused about what they're doing since day one. Why is Ukrainian artillery still allowed to hit targets that far? Where is the Russian Air Force? Vacationing in Sochi? A month into the conflict and the Russians are still not going in there with overwhelming and concentrated force. They've dispersed and divided their troops across multiple fronts, and are now finding it hard to even capture Mariupol (at this point one may honestly doubt if they'll ever capture it, although they'll probably get it). It just feels like amateur hour. The Russians have seriously damaged their strategic credibility with this campaign, because in the West the Russian army has become a laughingstock. And some of that is definitely deserved, though not all. It's just crazy.
NATO/Anglo bots keep repeating the mantra that "x is embarrassing for Russia" as if they're playing some geopolitical war of embarrassment.

Jingle Bells

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Kind of moronic really, China was willing to invest in Ukraine before with BRI, no indication it would not continue no matter what the outcome.

Really if Ukraine can fight off Russia, then it would be stupid to fall into Western European debt traps like Greece did with its hard fight.
No, precisely the opposite.

It is precisely because these comprador analysts were representing the interest of the Anglo-USA maritime global order, that they are seeing the worrying future sight of a capitulated Ukraine in the near future reconciling with Russia and getting lots of Chinese investments to rebuild, this all contribute to the Belt and Road initiative in strengthening that Eurasian overland trade network/belt.

Therefore they will try to form the rhetoric that Ukraine should destroy their relations (撕破脸) with China, which actually will only delay that post-war rebuild/reconciliation process. But for them, one day's delay for B&R is one more day to exist for the Anglo-American Maritime global order before total demise (能撑一天是一天).


Registered Member
Or it's an ammunition mishandling. As simple as that.


So far we have three versions.

One being the munitions mishandling, second was Tochka-U Which hard to believe as the fire was there first while Tochka will create relatively huge boom immediately, third was the ammo catch fire from fragments of Tochka U being shot down. Your version adds another which makes it the 4th.

The port did subjected to Tochka attack at 19th with claim that it was shot down. Today however the video evidence didnt show any indication of launch by Russian air defense to intercept ballistic missiles. If there were any there should be one asSAM launch are kinda loud.
Could be an ammunition mishandling. Some pictures on twitter saying that a second ship was hit, but it's hard to say whether it was because of

What it can't be is a ballistic missile strike. There's no way a ballistic missile from hundreds of miles away is going to pinpoint a single ship. Maybe if you fired a barrage of them one may get lucky. It would be like taking out a tank if you fired an RPG into the air randomly. And as you say, the video doesn't line up with it being a ballistic missile.

This is either an accident or an anti-ship missile. Given its a time of war, my assumption would be on enemy action.

Bill Blazo

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NATO/Anglo bots keep repeating the mantra that "x is embarrassing for Russia" as if they're playing some geopolitical war of embarrassment.
What's embarrassing are their numerous and inexplicable operational failures in the face of a clearly weaker enemy. That's why they've become a laughingstock in the West. They opened the first day of the war with fewer than 100 guided missile strikes. Didn't even really touch anything in the core Ukrainian military. China should take note that if things go south with Taiwan, the first day of the war needs at least 1,000 cruise and ballistic missile strikes. No amateur hour, no BS. Just go in with overwhelming force.


Registered Member
The cause of the ship's destruction matters to some extent, but at the end of the day this is downright embarrassing for the Russians regardless of why it happened (on-board accident, artillery strike, ballistic missile strike, whatever). It just speaks to the fact that they've been disorganized and confused about what they're doing since day one. Why is Ukrainian artillery still allowed to hit targets that far? Where is the Russian Air Force? Vacationing in Sochi? A month into the conflict and the Russians are still not going in there with overwhelming and concentrated force. They've dispersed and divided their troops across multiple fronts, and are now finding it hard to even capture Mariupol (at this point one may honestly doubt if they'll ever capture it, although they'll probably get it). It just feels like amateur hour. The Russians have seriously damaged their strategic credibility with this campaign, because in the West the Russian army has become a laughingstock. And some of that is definitely deserved, though not all. It's just crazy.
I think it comes down to Putin's "special military operation". His plan seems to be to pin down the Ukrainian army into a stalemate while eliminating Nazi groups and other extremists. At the same time he's doing that NATO are pouring in billions of military aid into Ukraine. Some of it will do damage like this.

There's no such thing as "war lite". Either commit fully to war and destroy the enemy until they beg for mercy or don't bother and stick to geopolitical games. You will be called a war criminal by the hypocritical Anglos regardless. Hopefully this will wake him up and he'll listen to what everyone around him is saying at this point.


Registered Member
Jesus, dude you already posted direct statement from the Ukrainians. Do you think reposting this but from a indirect sources word for word claiming the same shit Ukrainian propaganda helps your cause or standing here ?
I did not post any direct statement from the Ukrainians. In what respect is it propaganda? Seems very clear that a Russian ship has been destroyed.


Registered Member
Jesus, dude you already posted direct statement from the Ukrainians. Do you think reposting this but from a indirect sources word for word claiming the same shit Ukrainian propaganda helps your cause or standing here ?
He has to keep reminding us. It's like dealing with sports fans who support losing teams - they keep droning on and on about that one game their crappy team won while you've lost count of the number of games your team won. It's just insufferable.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
If the EU and Japan wanted Russian oil and gas, then they would find a way to do it. It isn't difficult or even complicated. For Japan, without Russian oil or gas, it isn't a big deal. For EU, many countries would be in a total mess without Russian oil and gas.
Not a big deal? The Japanese import most of the LNG from Sakhalin. This is like 9% of Japanese LNG imports. While I am sure the market could basically swap Russian LNG sales from Japan to China, and that whoever sells to China could then sell to Japan, this isn't something trivial to do. It will be much easier for Japan to switch Russian energy imports than Europe. But I wouldn't say it is not a big deal.
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