Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
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Russia has already lost, even if it "wins":
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The usual kind of stupid spiel I expect from The Drive whenever they report about anything Russian. Except amped up to 11 and totally devoid of actual content. You usually can at least get a one or two liner out of what they write when they talk about Russia. But this time it is a total vacuum. Pure political puff piece.

what I don't understand is, why are Ukrainian forces fighting to the end and why has Ukraine essentially issued a "Not One Step Back" order? Typically in countries with ideology and GDP per capita like Ukraine, the military is demoralized because the government is viewed as corrupt, spineless and sellout.
They had a long time to indoctrinate people. A constant conflict in the east with the separatists. And continuous external support.

what's the point in defending the regime that allows you to be exploited? what's the difference between Russian boss and Ukrainian boss, after all? Russia has 3x higher GDP per capita overall, 5x higher in Moscow.
Well no one likes being invaded. And these people have been drilled for a long time to think they are "different" from Russians.

In most cases of a country with low GDP per capita fighting a defensive war, it is very difficult for them to not suffer a collapse in morale even fighting weaker enemies, unless they have strong ideology.
It is still too early to tell really. Mariupol is falling a lot faster than Fallujah did and it has like twice the size. If anything I have been impressed at how quickly the whole thing has proceeded especially given the numeric disparity in favor of the defender.

Witness how Syrian Army collapsed against a few rebels, 30k worth of Iraqi armor flee against 3k ISIS, Afghan National Army surrendered to Taliban in weeks, NRA surrender by the millions vs PLA, South Koreans collapsing against North Koreans, PAVN overrunning ARVN within 2 years after US left, etc. Every time when faced with a strong, ideological enemy with offensive mindset, developing country armies just shatter.
"A few rebels". A lot of countries pumped huge amounts of money into that "insurrection" in Syria.
As for Iraq the whole place is a basket case. As any government the US concocts out of thin air usually is.


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historical memory is a weak motivator.


France lost the Alsace-Lorraine to Prussia in 1870 and still collapsed within months to Nazi Germany.

France lost to the North German Confederation led by Prussia in 1870-71 with the unification of Germany and proclamation of the German Empire along the Kleindeutsche Lösung*
France got its long desired revenge by winning the World War 1 in 1918 with the end of the German Empire and reclamation of Alsace-Lorraine with add-ons in addition to imposing huge war reparations etc.
The rise of Nazi-Germany, outbreak of World War 2 and eventual defeat of France in 1940 were all very much consequences of those previous events. Germany hadn"t forgotten its humiliating defeat either and even used the same train wagon from the 1918 Armistice as a powerful symbolic reminder to everyone.

So nope, historical memory isn't a weak motivator but actually the opposite; a very powerful motivator/instigator for future conflicts.

*The Großdeutsche/Kleindeutsche Lösung was the main subject for my bachelor's thesis in history way back in 1996 and if it wasn't totally off-topic I would gladly discuss it much more in detail :D


Registered Member
Russian landing ship exploded after it was hit by a Ukrainian ballistic missile


Now beyond any reasonable doubt that a #Russian Navy Alligator Class landing ship exploded in #Berdiansk, Ukraine

Reportedly a Ukrainian ballistic missile strike. Two Ropucha Class ships also present, observed sailing away as fire raged"


Junior Member
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Ukraine is the pinnacle of Western narrative delirium:

The terror suffered by the Ukrainians at the hands of the Bolsheviks who in their time were seen by Ukrainians as yiddish-Bolsheviks and the terror suffered by the Yiddish people at the hands of the Ukrainians ... has now become Russophobia

The West, which is none other than the heirs of the British Empire, is literally the Empire of silence, lies and fantasy


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