Ukrainian War Developments

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Maybe, but they are probably just testing. their systems. Kinzhal now this ;) Also... depends on targets. US loves to use tomahawks all the time which are as expensive if not more.
Tomahawks have way more range than tactical aircraft, and their use drops significantly after air superiority has been obtained. Bastion not so much. If it had been against a mobile target (parked), that at least would make sense. Time on target is critical in some cases.


Registered Member
Tomahawks have way more range than tactical aircraft, and their use drops significantly after air superiority has been obtained. Bastion not so much. If it had been against a mobile target (parked), that at least would make sense. Time on target is critical in some cases.
That must be why Iraq has been hit with +1600 Tomahawk missiles in a 10 years period.

reservior dogs

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Not answering your questions directly, but this is what I think.
1. Russia is ok with letting in supplies from the west. They've received assurances from the west that no heavy weaponry will be sent to Ukraine. Most of it seems to be coming in through civilian vehicles like 4x4s which is very inefficient. More than weapons and ammo, at this point they are bringing in food and supplies to keep 30 million people alive.
2. RuAF could absolutely smash Ukrainian ground units at this point. It would be a turkey shoot. They seem to be targeting the threats to them e.g. artillery positions which they are disabling slowly with UAV guided artillery of their own. Not as efficient as using drones but they seem to be lacking in that department.
3. As for why they aren't, probably because they don't want this to be a mass casualty war. Despite claims of tens of thousands of dead on both sides, casualty numbers are likely to be quite low for both sides. In the thousands rather than tens of thousands. Civilian deaths are also likely to be low. There will be exceptions - e.g. Mariupol where I think the deaths will exceed all previous ones combined.

The death blow to the Ukrainians are the PGM strikes which are focused on logistics hubs, railway depots, warehouses, depots, and any remaining anti air equipment. Once in a while they target a barracks or reddit battalion for propaganda value.

Countries normally rely on sea shipments for food and other essentials as it's the cheapest way. Transporting it by road in small vehicles is very expensive in costs of fuel, vehicles and drivers and is not sustainable in the long run.

Rather than getting stronger with time, the Ukrainian army is getting weaker. Rations, ammo will soon start to run low and morale will drop. Every tank, APC artillery unit they lose can't be replaced, and at some point, soldiers will have enough, ditch their uniforms and flee.

Time is on the side of Russians, assuming Putin manages the domestic situation. That is Putin's forte, there's no sign of any major civilian discontent at present. Protests have small and easily quashed, and seem to be the hippy anti-war type rather than regime change. It's also a geopolitical battle, which again is Putin's preferred battlefield and he's making Biden et al look divided and incompetent.

I don't think any Russian general will be happy right now as its not how Russians typically fight, but it's ultimately Putin's call.
Agree with your analysis. Actually, what is also in short supply are the elite soldiers. I am speaking of the highly motivated and young ones that are mostly in Eastern Ukraine being encircled now. Once they are killed off, not only does it open the entire Ukraine to Russian troops relatively unopposed, the hope of any future rebellion will also die with them, at least for a generation. This is the reason why Russia is concentrating on destroying them at the moment. If some of them escape the encirclement and run away to Poland, it accomplishes the same objective. This is one of the calculus for post war restoration of Ukraine from Russia. You can bet there will be a cleansing where the most anti-Russian population will be "encouraged" to migrate to Poland and beyond.


Junior Member
Tomahawks have way more range than tactical aircraft, and their use drops significantly after air superiority has been obtained. Bastion not so much. If it had been against a mobile target (parked), that at least would make sense. Time on target is critical in some cases.

Russia has ~5 of them so dont worry ;) They used up everything for that video, as "experts" would say. We wont be discussing much longer. :D


Junior Member
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Russia has ~5 of them so dont worry ;) They used up everything for that video, as "experts" would say. We wont be discussing much longer. :D
Not "worried" at all. Just saying that if they used such an expensive missile against a stationary target it's because they had to.


Registered Member
From the Ukrainian Parliament.
You know the argument that they're not full of nazis would be a lot more convincing if they didn't release an ad every second day comparing themselves to the Third Reich.
Instead of comparing Hamburg 1943 to Kharkov 2022 they could've just you know, compare Kharkov 1943 to Kharkov 2022.

Han Patriot

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How many Russians loses?: "Between 7K or 15K, who knows dude, but we are not sure because we are not in the ground, so lets says is 40K because sounds bad for Putin in Western media"

-Clown Mode activated
It's a war against the second largest country in Europe after Russia with alot of Russian weaponary and certainly better equiped than Iraq or Afghanistan. What do you expect? No casualties, yah they could probably just bomb Ukraine to stone age for a year then move in like the Yankees. But what's the point? Putin wants to annex Ukraine now. lol
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